[EuroPython] Sponsoring Europython

Jacob Hallén jacob at strakt.com
Wed May 5 13:57:57 EDT 2004

Dear Niels, 

I have been on a months worth of trip to the USA, which is why responding has 
taken a bit of time.

We are very happy that you want to sponsor Europython.

- Please send us the form that you would like your link to have a soon as 
possible. We will put it on the website within a day of receiving it.

- Send us your advert for the conference programme within the next week. We 
are in the process of preparing the materials for the programme right now.

- Bring your banners/streamer/splackards to the conference, where we will 
assist you in posting them in the conference halls. We will have 4 tracks in 
parallell and if you want your materials in the keynote theatre, you will 
need an extra set for that. The maximum size for your banners in each room is 
2 square meters.

- I will send you an invoice for the sponsoring fee about 1 week before the 

If you have any questions, or issues you would like to bring up, please mail 
me directly.

Best regards

Jacob Hallén
Europython head organiser

On fredag 30 april 2004 10.16, Niels Mache, struktur AG wrote:
> Dear Europython Team,
> the attached information was distributed on 22 April.
> I would be very pleased to sponsor the Europython Conference.
> As I would like to proceed and your contribution is appreciated please
> kindly send me your reply during the next week.
> Thank you very much for your continous co-operation.
> Niels Mache
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Sponsoring Europython
> Date: Thu, 22 Apr 2004 13:20:53 +0200
> From: Niels Mache, struktur AG <mache at struktur.de>
> Organization: struktur AG
> To: europython at python.org
> Hi there,
> we like to sponsor the Europython conference as "Sponsor".
> How can we transfer the sponoring fee to you? What information do you
> require from us? logos, links, etc.?
> Warm regards,
> Niels Mache
> > Sponsor - 500 Euro
> > This gives you:
> >
> >     * Your name/link on the website
> >     * An ad in the conference program
> >     * A streamer in each conference room
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