[EuroPython] Timetable
M.-A. Lemburg
mal at egenix.com
Thu Jun 14 17:32:13 CEST 2007
On 2007-06-14 17:01, Beatrice Düring wrote:
> Hi there
> M.-A. Lemburg skrev:
>> Thanks for putting up a timetable draft. I have a few questions
>> regarding the table and talks in general:
> Great - shoot!
>> Have you already decided on the duration of the various talk slots ?
>> It looks a lot like the talks have to fit into 30 minutes.
> The overall majority of talks are 30 minutes, a few ones are longer than
> that - there for scheduled
> over two talkslots.
The timetable should probably include this information somewhere.
AFAIR, the talk registration didn't have this information either (or
I just missed it). The duration does have some importance when writing
the talk ;-)
>> I'd also like to suggest that some of the day 2 talks be moved
>> to day 1 - day 2 appears packed with talks, whereas day 1 sometimes
>> has two Open Space sessions in parallel.
> I agree that it does look a bit weird but it was done on purpose - we
> are having discussions
> with last minute interesting speakers and wanted to have spare room to
> add them.
> We will make an update to the schedule during the upcoming week
> hopefully and will take this into account.
>> BTW, If you need more talks, I could offer to do one of my past EPC
>> talks again.
> Please enlighten me - those would be what kind of talks?
I've done these a couple of times already, but the topics are popular:
"Designing Unicode-aware Applications in Python"
Present ways of designing Python applications to be Unicode-aware from ground
up; issues with auto-conversion, detection of character sets, ways to deal with
storage of Unicode data (in databases, text files, spreadsheets, etc.); present
the idea of an online translation manager that collects string to be translated
and provides ways to have them translated to various languages
Around 45 minutes with discussions.
"Developing large-scale applications in Python"
Python is used as scripting or glueing language in many different areas. It's
usefulness as main implementation language for large-scale applications is often
underestimated. The talk will demonstrate that Python is in fact an ideal basis
for developing complete applications - regardless of the size of the project or
its complexity.
Around 60 minutes with discussions.
Marc-Andre Lemburg
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eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
D-40764 Langenfeld, Germany. CEO Dipl.-Math. Marc-Andre Lemburg
Registered at Amtsgericht Duesseldorf: HRB 46611
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