[EuroPython] minutes from the meeting
Michael Hudson
micahel at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 15:26:13 CET 2007
Here are the notes that Bea took and I edited from the meeting yesterday.
You can also see them online at
All interested people are invited to read over what we discussed, and
in particular suggestions of keynote speaker would be welcome.
Planning session Europython 2007
:When: 18:00 CET 2007-03-08
:Where: #europython on freenode.net
:Who: mwh, Aiste, SteveA, arigo, pedronis, thisfred, bea
Nick->Real Name Key :)
|mwh |Michael Hudson |
|Aiste |Aiste Kesminaite |
|SteveA |Steve Alexander |
|arigo |Armin Rigo |
|pedronis |Samuele Pedroni |
|thisfred |Eric Casteleijn |
|bea |Bea During |
1. **Discuss and decide on tracks to offer (trackchairs) (so far:
education track, lightning talk):**
Decision: three main tracks: lang+lib/web/science+refereed
Also an parallel Open Space track where we will encourage
agile, games, educ and such to enter.
- lang+lib: pedronis (but he needs a co-chair - Bea will try to recruit one)
- science+refereed: benedicte (XXX Michael - is this his name??) and arigo
- web: no track chair yet - mwh will try to recruit
- open space: bea + need to recruit co-chairs (nicolas for the education
parts that could go here?, others?)
- lightning talks: Harald
This fits the facilities in Vilnius: we will have 1 large room and 3
"smaller" rooms
2. **Discuss and decide on timeline suggested:**
9th of March Track chairs and conference organization
(roles) decided upon.
16th of March Call for proposals out
Website updated and "up and running"
16th of April Keynotes announced
1st of May Registration opens
18th of May Call for proposals closed
25th of May Launch of schedule (talk abstracts accepted
and notified)
31st of May Early bird registration closes
25th of June Normal registration closes
2nd of July Online registration closes
9-11th of July Conference starts
12-14th of July Post sprints
- mwh and Bea will work on the call for proposals early next week
(12-14th of March)
- mwh will talk to Nicolas and Paul regarding if they can make the
deadline (16th of March) for updating website (note that they
only need to validate the date - they can sort out infrastructure
- keynotes: Guido have accepted, ideas for more keynotes were
discussed (SteveA had several ideas and will check these, mwh and
Bea will also check) - this needs to be discussed on the
mailinglist - trawling for good ideas.
3. **Organization/roles:**
- local organizer: Aiste
- program chair: mwh
- conferencier/lightning talks: Harald
- webwork: Paul, Nicolas
- registration/budget: ? (mwh and Aiste will check)
- track chairs: pedronis, arigo, benedicte, bea, nicolas,
- helping out/misc work: thisfred, John Pinner
4. **Next meeting:** one week from now: 14th of March/18:00 #europython
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