[EuroPython] New registrant in 'EuroPython 2007': JAKACKI, Grzegorz

Grzegorz Jakacki jakacki at exoweb.net
Tue May 29 10:16:07 CEST 2007


I mistakenly registered an extra guest for conference dinner; could you 
please cancel the conference dinner guest reservation (keeping just the 
reservation for me)?


europython at python.org wrote:
>              Congratulations, your registration was successful. See your information below:
>              Registrant Id: 39
>              Title: 
>              Family Name: Jakacki
>              First Name: Grzegorz
>              Position: 
>              Institution: Exoweb
>              Address: 
>              City: Beijing
>              Country: CN
>              Phone: 008613911925514
>              Fax: 
>              Email: jakacki at exoweb.net
>              Personal Homepage: www.dziupla.net/gj/cv
>              Reason for participation: I use Python at work.    
>              Accommodation:
>                         - Arrival date: 08 July 2007
>                         - Departure date: 12 July 2007
>                         - Accommodation type: I will arrange my own accommodation
>              Special requirements:
> 			- Other special requirements: 
>              Registrant information:
> 			- Rate: Early
>              Social events:
> 			- Conference dinner (registrant): yes
> 			- Conference dinner (number of guests) - price per person: 1
> 			- Dietary requirements: No special requirements
> 			- Dietary requirements - additional information: 

Grzegorz Jakacki, Senior Software Eng.
greg(at)exoweb.net, +86-139-11925514

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