[EuroPython] saving money with accomodation / mobile phones

M.-A. Lemburg mal at europython.eu
Fri Feb 7 15:30:27 CET 2014

On 07.02.2014 15:21, Thomas Waldmann wrote:
>>> Accommodation =============
>>> I found it quite nice that in Florence (and also at other
>>> locations before that), they made a deal with one hotel (in that
>>> case: the conference hotel) to offer relatively low prices for
>>> the conference participants and that room sharing was realized
>>> with no coordination effort from the participant's side.
>> See website...
> I didn't find anything there (just had another look right now) what
> could be considered as related to what I just posted to the ML.
> I was looking through everything there: https://ep2014.europython.eu/en/
> So I guess it's either hidden quite well there (I looked at the
> english language web site) or not updated yet or you mean something
> else than I do.
> So, please provide a full URL for what you are referring to.

I think this is due to the drop-down menu not working on the website.

If you click on the menu symbol all the way on the right, the menu opens.

You can then find the link to the hotel list under "Venue":


Unfortunately, the prices listed on the page are not much different
than what you can get from typical hotel booking sites at the moment,
but they may prove useful close to the event when prices tend to
go up:


Marc-Andre Lemburg
EuroPython Society

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