[Idle-dev] Location of configuration files

Kurt B. Kaiser kbk at shore.net
Sat Oct 15 07:50:50 CEST 2005

"Jason Doucette" <jason at jasondoucette.com> writes:

>> > wouldn't it be better to place (on windows) not directly
>> > into the root directory (I hate cluttering the root directory
>> > with such "unnecessary" dirs ;) )
>> >
>> > [snip]
>> >
>> > Any opinions?
> Franz, I agree with the cluttering of the root directory.  I was
> surprised to find on my Windows XP box that it installed, by
> default, into C:\, rather than in C:\Program Files.
> I realize the installer gave the option to install to an alternative
> location, but it is best to let installers do what they default to
> -- simply because this is most tested variant (for some software, it
> is the only variant that works).  Thus, you have to expect that most
> people will install to the default location, and the default
> location should make sense.

GvR recommends that Python be installed at toplevel.  Especially when
using the command line, the space in "Program Files" causes problems.

You'll find that even Windows by itself sometimes has problems with
that space when you are running a command window; you need to quote
the silly thing.

> I noticed in the reported bugs:
> http://www.python.org/2.4.2/bugs.html that had I chosen to install
> to C:\Program Files, it would have failed -- so, certainly, it is
> smart to leave things 'as is'. :)

IDLE installs and works ok, it's the installer which is having
problems creating the shortcuts.  The instructions describe how to
manually fix the shortcuts.

>> I don't worry too much about W98, they are single user systems and
>> there isn't much clutter.  If you want to submit a patch, I'll
>> probably add it, so long as it doesn't break systems which already
>> have their .idlerc in c:\.
>> It's been like this forever on W98.  W2K and WXP put .idlerc into
>> the correct user directory.
> Kurt, I notice the .idlerc directory on my Windows XP box is located here:
> C:\Documents and Settings\Jason\.idlerc
> Shouldn't this be:
> C:\Documents and Settings\Jason\Application Data\.idlerc
> (I apologize if I am missing something for being 'out of the loop'.)

Yes, that might be even better.  Send a patch?

> P.S.  I noticed that when Kurt replies, that he replies directly to the 
> poster, and CC's it to the idle-dev mailing list.  Therefore, I will follow 
> suit.  Is this proper?

Just to the list is best.


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