[IPython-dev] [IPython-user] Porting SVN history to Launchpad - help needed.

Ville M. Vainio vivainio at gmail.com
Sun Jun 1 15:45:55 EDT 2008

On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 10:27 PM, Fernando Perez <fperez.net at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm leaning towards simply ditching our history for the last three
> months.  I spent a fair amount of time yesterday on it without success
> (I tried lots of things) and so have you with git.  I've just gone on
> IRC to ask on the bzr channel, I might get a bit of help there. But I
> have a bunch of 'life' related things to do today, so unless an easy
> solution materializes, I think we'll just have to move forward.

This is a reasonable solution if everything else fails. We just leave
the contents of stable-dev dangling around, and mark it as "abandoned"
- it's still available for browsing if need be.

The commit message should contain full contents of "bzr log" for
reference, though, as well as the url for the branch.

Ville M. Vainio - vivainio.googlepages.com
blog=360.yahoo.com/villevainio - g[mail | talk]='vivainio'

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