[IronPython] SciPy

Steve Baer steve at mcneel.com
Mon Dec 20 22:15:44 CET 2010

As far as commercial apps go we are using IronPython as a scripting option for the next version of our 3d modeling software, Rhinoceros.

support site specific to python in Rhino


From: Oleksii Bidiuk 
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 1:04 PM
To: Discussion of IronPython 
Subject: Re: [IronPython] SciPy

Hi All,

I am not intended to add oil to the fire, but I am curious whether somebody can comment on the statement of Mark 

>> Our company uses C#.  I quickly discovered that C# and Python don’t play well together ….

I have a similar situation, meaning C# application that needs to be a) scriptable b) usable for image/data processing using e.g. NumPy and SciPy. While IronPython seems to be the 'easy bet', I wonder if it is also a 'safe bet' for the long term future and whether there are tangible alternatives like e.g. PythonNET (I hope there are others, preferrably backed up by some heavyweight/commercial players). 

Can anyone comment on this one? Anybody is using or going to use IronPython in commercial apps?

Thanks in advance.


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