[Mailman-Developers] Patching qrunner to never send duplicates w/ same Message-ID
Jay R. Ashworth
Mon, 20 Aug 2001 12:14:17 -0400
On Mon, Aug 20, 2001 at 11:17:33AM -0400, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
> >>>>> "JRA" == Jay R Ashworth <jra@baylink.com> writes:
> JRA> If you're going to do this, note that it's the *list* message
> JRA> that should make it to the user, not the private copy... and
> JRA> I don't think you can accomplish this. Knowing that the list
> JRA> actually *saw* the message can be important information...
> You're right that there's no way Mailman can suppress the private copy
> since it never even sees that copy, but I /was/ suggesting that
> Mailman could suppress the list copy -- but only if the user has
> selected an option to do so.
The user's option, certainly, but *I* want to know that copy made the
list. I always leave meetoo set, too. I'd like to see mailers that
can, like Mutt, reply to the list wihtout *having* to carbon the other
user, since that's where most dupes -- like yourn :-) -- come from.
-- jra
Jay R. Ashworth jra@baylink.com
Member of the Technical Staff Baylink RFC 2100
The Suncoast Freenet The Things I Think
Tampa Bay, Florida http://baylink.pitas.com +1 727 804 5015
"So easy to use, no wonder the Internet is going to hell!"
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