[Mailman-Developers] better logging of undiscernable bounces
Mark Sapiro
mark at msapiro.net
Sat Jun 21 05:29:37 CEST 2008
Hash: SHA1
Barry Warsaw wrote:
| On Jun 20, 2008, at 1:48 PM, Fil wrote:
|> A very useful patch (against 2.1.11rc1)
|> --- Mailman/Queue/BounceRunner.save.py 2008-06-20 19:34:51.000000000
|> +0200
|> +++ Mailman/Queue/BounceRunner.py 2008-06-20 19:35:44.000000000
|> +0200
|> @@ -230,7 +230,8 @@ class BounceRunner(Runner, BounceMixin):
|> # If that still didn't return us any useful addresses, then
|> send it on
|> # or discard it.
|> if not addrs:
|> - syslog('bounce', 'bounce message w/no discernable
|> addresses: %s',
|> + syslog('bounce', 'bounce message to %s w/no discernable
|> addresses: %s',
|> + mlist.internal_name(),
|> msg.get('message-id'))
|> maybe_forward(mlist, msg)
|> return
| Seems reasonable to me!
| +1
My suggestion is a bit different. The patch is attached, but I'm not
completely sure about it.
I have changed Fil's log message from
'bounce message to %s w/no discernable addresses: %s'
'%s: bounce message w/no discernable addresses: %s'
This is both to make it more consistent with other bounce log messages
and to avoid mangling the existing string in case someone's log analysis
is looking for it.
The part I'm not sure about is adding the list name to the
'(forwarding|discarding) unrecognized' messages. One or the other of
these is always written immediately after the 'bounce message w/no
discernable addresses' message, so the list name isn't really required
since the list will be identifiable with the first change, and it may
even seem redundant, but I think it's more consistent to include it on
all the messages.
Other thoughts?
- --
Mark Sapiro <mark at msapiro.net> The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, California better use your sense - B. Dylan
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