[Mailman-Users] Discarding held message generates an error.

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at cnri.reston.va.us
Sun Apr 4 19:09:22 CEST 1999

>>>>> "R" == Raul  <raul3 at usa.net> writes:

    R> Hi, I am new with Mailman and python, but I managed to install
    R> it and got it running.  It went okay so far, except for this
    R> problem I hit.  I keep getting an error when I tried to discard
    R> held messages from one of my list.  I hit this problem when I
    R> was using version 1.0b9, and it did not go away when I upgraded
    R> it to 1.0b10.  Can anyone give me a hand?

When you discard the message, what did you type in the "Reason" text


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