[Mailman-Users] Announcement lists and Moderated Lists...
Dan Mick
dan.mick at West.Sun.COM
Sun Dec 19 23:44:00 CET 1999
"Maren S. Leizaola" wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to Mailman, how does one do an announcement list to
> which users can not e-mail to the rest of the list users, by clicking
> reply?
Well, certainly one thing you could do is visit "Privacy Options" and
turn on "Must posts be approved by an administrator?"
Far easier, though, is just to have requests to be added wait for
processing, add them to a private, unadvertised simple alias,
and then send any mail out with To: <listadmin> From: <listadmin>
Bcc: <real-private-alias>; then no one even *can* respond to anyone
but <listadmin>.
> How does one run a moderated list?
What do you mean? "What tasks are involved", or something more
simple, like "how is it set up"?
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