[Mailman-Users] Feature request: editable welcome message
Barry A. Warsaw
bwarsaw at cnri.reston.va.us
Tue Dec 21 06:48:01 CET 1999
>>>>> "DM" == Dan Mick <Dan.Mick at West.Sun.COM> writes:
DM> Yes, I understand that, but usability would be enhanced by
DM> having *some* of that MailList object information stored
DM> outside config.db, I think is another way to say what I'm
DM> trying to say. In particular, things like welcome messages
DM> should, IMO, be "external", because they change often enough
DM> and are "tweaked" enough that it's a pain to have to
DM> extract/edit/reload just to change a comma.
That's really what the Web interface is all about.
DM> A slight violation of the purity of the object storage model
DM> might be appropriate. (yet another restatement of the
DM> opinion.)
Ken has long talked about a cataloging system where there's a
hierarchy of attributes. E.g. the site itself has a welcome text
template which is used unless the list overrides it. Think about a
simplified Zope acquisition model. It would be a bit of work to
change Mailman's architecture to support something like this. It may
eventually get done, but it's not high on my current list of
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