[Mailman-Users] ignored error
Barry A. Warsaw
bwarsaw at cnri.reston.va.us
Mon Dec 27 06:39:50 CET 1999
>>>>> "AIS" == A Iqbal Santyaswardan <iqbal95 at student.te.ugm.ac.id> writes:
AIS> Hi, I'm competing mailman with my friend's majordomo (and
AIS> we're both still newbies at these things), whoever got theirs
AIS> installed errorfree first will have the honor of having it
AIS> used :) Well, so far I'm ahead since he still has to download
AIS> and install a list-news plug in, while i've only to fix some
AIS> "ignored" errors:
You can basically ignore this. It doesn't affect performance and it
should be fixed with the next release.
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