[Mailman-Users] public archives are private

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at cnri.reston.va.us
Fri Jan 15 04:04:54 CET 1999

>>>>> "JB" == Jeff Berliner <jeff at endeavor.med.nyu.edu> writes:

    JB>      I had tried toggling the public/private options
    JB> originally, but did so again, with no success.  If I manually
    JB> create the symlink from public to private, things work
    JB> splendidly.

You may have to put some debugging in the CheckHTMLArchiveDir()
function inside Archiver.py.  This is where the symlink gets created
or removed.

    JB>      The only changes I had to make (and to the best of my
    JB> judgement, they shouldn't affect this stuff) during
    JB> installation, were two SyntaxError's one at line 696 of
    JB> MailList.py a ',' and a '"' were transposed in a logging call,
    JB> and a seemingly unnecessary 'raise' at line 137 of
    JB> pythonlib/tempfile.py.  I didn't see these mentioned in the
    JB> list archives, so I figured I'd mention them.

These were SyntaxErrors?  The first looks okay to me (and I don't see
anything obvious in the CVS log), and for the second one that was
1.5.2 leakage that I've fixed in the current CVS source.


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