[Mailman-Users] Problems with subscribed users

Aaron Optimizer Digulla digulla at hepe.com
Fri Oct 1 12:52:28 CEST 1999

On Thu, Sep 23, 1999 at 03:08:47PM +0200, Aaron Optimizer Digulla wrote:

> > Sep 23 05:13:42 1999 post: envsend: Stefan.Berger at att.net, sender: root
> > Why is sender wrong sometimes ?
> Here is a header for which mailman says the sender is "root":

It seems it's a problem with Netscape: Netscape will add a Sender: field
to the mail header and if one exists, Mailman will use it (instead of
>From or From:) no matter what it contains. Can you change mailman to
remove that field from the mail header when it sees the mail for the
first time ?

Aaron "Optimizer" Digulla             Team AMIGA     AROS Head of Development
Author of XDME, ResTrackLib, CInt.		       <http://www.aros.org/>
"(to) optimize: Make a program faster by improving the algorithms rather than
by buying a faster machine."				   <digulla at hepe.com>

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