[Mailman-Users] Postfix setup

Owen Taylor otaylor at redhat.com
Tue Aug 8 15:41:34 CEST 2000

<darryl at igor.penguinpowered.com> writes:

> Ok. I follows the INSTALL advice about setting up the seperate mailman
> aliases file, but postfix is still complaining about mailman when I send
> mail to my test list:
> Aug  7 12:36:45 congo postfix/local[25998]: fatal: unsupported dictionary
> type: mailman
> Aug  7 12:36:45 congo postfix/local[25998]: fatal: unsupported dictionary
> type: mailman

Looks like you have some an in your postfix configuration file.
The alias_database line in your main.cf should look something like:

alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases,hash:/home/mailman/aliases


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