[Mailman-Users] Changing location of mailing list

Meredith, Robert robert.meredith at neonsoft.com
Thu Aug 17 19:20:57 CEST 2000

What is the proper syntax for this utility?  My mailman is installed at
/home/mailman (lists are in the "lists" folder).  I am assumming I run
bin/move_lists but then what do I put?

-----Original Message-----
From: Tony Hoyle [mailto:tmh at magenta-logic.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 09, 2000 5:10 AM
To: mailman-users at python.org
Subject: [Mailman-Users] Changing location of mailing list

I have just re-installed our local mailserver, and switched
to debian.  Previously I had mailman at /home/mailman, but debian
it at /var/lib/mailman.  I copied the list data across and changed any
files with absolute paths (the .lock files).  However I've found the 
list path is coded into the config.db, which is binary.  Is there a
available which will change this?


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