[Mailman-Users] check_perms problem

Phillip Porch root at theporch.com
Wed Aug 23 13:28:11 CEST 2000

I am running the current cvs version of mailman which seems to be working
OK in general but tried to run the check_perms command recently and
received the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./check_perms", line 256, in ?
  File "./check_perms", line 116, in checkall
    os.path.walk(mm_cfg.PREFIX, checkwalk, STATE)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.0/posixpath.py", line 269, in walk
    func(arg, top, names)
  File "./check_perms", line 90, in checkwalk
    if path == private or (os.path.commonprefix((path, private)) == private
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.0/posixpath.py", line 123, in commonprefix
    n[i] = n[i].split("/")
TypeError: object doesn't support item assignment

I am also running a cvs version of python so that is suspect also. This
command did work in the past.  Any suggestions on tracking this down?

Phillip P. Porch <root at sco.theporch.com>  NIC:PP1573     finger for 
http://www.theporch.com  UTM - 16 514546E 3994565N       GnuPG key

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