[Mailman-Users] vhosts

William R. Dickson wrd at awenet.com
Wed Dec 13 19:51:56 CET 2000

> >Do you mean you have multiple mailman installations in different 
> >directories, along with separate crontab entries and all?
> yes.

I described how I went about it in a message in October:



 William R. Dickson -- Consuming the Earth's limited resources since 1968
 wrd at awenet.com                              http://www.manoutoftime.org/

       I don't think it's nice, you laughin'.  You see, my mule don't
       like people laughin'.  He gets the crazy idea you're laughin'
       at him.  Now if you apologize, like I know you're going to, I
       might convince him that you really didn't mean it.

					  -The Man With No Name
					   _A Fistful of Dollars_

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