[Mailman-Users] Wrapper/Mail UID help with v2.0.3

Chris Willis chris at mokum.org
Mon Apr 2 16:44:42 CEST 2001

I've just installed version 2.0.3 and was well impressed with just how easy
the install was: second time lucky after having to readjust the GID for my
apache web server, but that's one hell of a lot quicker than when I
attempted majordomo.

I do need some help however: I still have majordomo installed and working
but think I want to move everyone across to mailman. I use sendmail as my
MTA with the restricted stuff going on and a need for /etc/smrsh. This
directory currently contains a symlink for the majordomo 'wrapper' program.
Following the instructions under README.SENDMAIL in the installation
package, I created a symlink called mailman_wrapper in /etc/smrsh pointing
back to /home/mailman/mail/wrapper.

I have a list set up on mailman but all mails to it get stuck in my mail
queue with an Operating System Error.

Also, running /home/mailman/mail/wrapper anything gives me an error  that
the system expected an ID of 12 and got 0. Yet mail has group ID of 12 in my
/etc/group file.

How many problems do I have here? I am not sure my alias files are set up
correctly to be honest - I cut and pasted the auto generated stuff but that
was not taking into account my renamed wrapper.

Can any one else help here? My experience and knowledge is all selftaught
and I'm sure there are some major flaws somewhere.


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