[Mailman-Users] Header Info on monthly password reminders
Rich Ramos
me at RichRamos.com
Wed Aug 1 21:07:25 CEST 2001
I believe you are asking the same question that Graham Dunn is asking in
the attached email that he sent earlier today, which is also the same
question I've been asking for quite some time, which is:
Why do the monthly mailings get sent from the admin of the first list that
got created after mailman was installed rather than the global mailman
--- Original ---
From: "Sarah K. Miller" <techgrrl at beeze.com>
To: mailman-users at python.org
Date: 8/1/01 11:36 AM -0700
Subject: [Mailman-Users] Header Info on monthly password reminders
Ok, this one has about driven me to the brink of insanity! I need to know
where/how the following headers are generated in the monthly password
reminder message *and* how to hard-code them to something different
(preferably mailman-owner).
Sender: blah-admin at blah.org
Errors-To: blah-admin at blah.org
X-BeenThere: blah at blah.org
Here's the situation. Previous to this month, Mailman (ver 2.0.1) chose
to use one list as the reference for the above information. That
inundated some poor, unsuspecting list owner with all kinds of stuff that
didn't actually apply to her list. As a fix, we've been going in and
changing the aliases of that particular list to point elsewhere at the
first of the month. That worked ok (though it's a pain) until last night.
For reasons unknown to me, the monthly reminder message choose to use a
different list to fill in the sender/errors-to/x-beenthere info.
Unfortunately, it choose a list which had no alias files setup for it (it
was new and I didn't want anybody to use it yet), so we lost all the
responses to that message.
Can anybody tell me how to change this permanently?
-- Sarah
Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose
-------------- next part --------------
An embedded message was scrubbed...
From: Graham Dunn <gdunn at inscriber.com>
Subject: Re: [Mailman-Users] Oddness in mailman 2.0.5 from: when mailing out subscription reminder
Date: Wed, 1 Aug 2001 10:43:11 -0400
Size: 5238
Url: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/mailman-users/attachments/20010801/000ee318/attachment.mht
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