[Mailman-Users] Bad archive count - BUG
Bob Puff@NLE
bob at nleaudio.com
Mon Feb 19 19:03:23 CET 2001
In one of my recent lists using Mailman 2.01, AND EVEN ON THIS LIST I see a strange behavior of the daily digests. Here's a copy from today's digest:
> Subject:
Mailman-Users digest, Vol 1 #1043 - 18 msgs
> Today's Topics:
> 1. [Question] Mailman installation Problems (=?ks_c_5601-1987?B?sejI8cO1?=)
> 2. Adding and removing *single* users from command line... (Mike Cisar)
> 3. Re: Mail headers with Mailman (John Vorstermans)
> 4. Re: Mail headers with Mailman (Jonathan Lundell)
> 5. Re: Mail headers with Mailman (Roger B.A. Klorese)
> 6. I would like to unsubscribe (Barbara Bodner-Johnson)
> 7. Re: Mail headers with Mailman (J C Lawrence)
> 8. cron errors (RoB-O)
> 9. Re: Mail headers with Mailman (Satya)
> 10. Re: Adding and removing *single* users from command
> line... (Satya)
> 11. Wierd mailman problem. (John McGarrigle)
> 12. RE: Wierd mailman problem. (John McGarrigle)
> 13. =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCJGQkQyRbITwhISQqJFIkNSQhIUEidhsoQg==?= (=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCJU4hISQqJFIkNSJ2GyhC?= (@_@))
> 14. Re: Wierd mailman problem. (J C Lawrence)
> 15. RE: Wierd mailman problem. (John McGarrigle)
> 16. Re: *UN*restricted posting not working (Marc MERLIN)
> 17. Changing the Welcome page (Johannes Ambrose)
Notice how the subject line says there are 18 messages, yet it only indexes (and shows) 17 messages.
The same thing is happening with my lists - the subject line shows a higher count (sometimes more than 1) than the actual number of messages.
The older versions of Mailman didn't do this, so this must be a new "feature".
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