[Mailman-Users] Bad archive count - BUG
Jonathan Lundell
jlundell at pobox.com
Mon Feb 19 19:47:26 CET 2001
>In one of my recent lists using Mailman 2.01, AND EVEN ON THIS LIST I see a strange behavior of the daily digests. Here's a copy from today's digest:
Just a guess, but maybe it's the fact that #10 below is two lines (#13 might look like two lines, but it's one long line). I don't get the digest, but maybe someone could verify the correlation.
> > Subject:
> Mailman-Users digest, Vol 1 #1043 - 18 msgs
>> Today's Topics:
>> 1. [Question] Mailman installation Problems (=?ks_c_5601-1987?B?sejI8cO1?=)
>> 2. Adding and removing *single* users from command line... (Mike Cisar)
>> 3. Re: Mail headers with Mailman (John Vorstermans)
>> 4. Re: Mail headers with Mailman (Jonathan Lundell)
>> 5. Re: Mail headers with Mailman (Roger B.A. Klorese)
>> 6. I would like to unsubscribe (Barbara Bodner-Johnson)
>> 7. Re: Mail headers with Mailman (J C Lawrence)
>> 8. cron errors (RoB-O)
>> 9. Re: Mail headers with Mailman (Satya)
>> 10. Re: Adding and removing *single* users from command
>> line... (Satya)
>> 11. Wierd mailman problem. (John McGarrigle)
>> 12. RE: Wierd mailman problem. (John McGarrigle)
>> 13. =?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCJGQkQyRbITwhISQqJFIkNSQhIUEidhsoQg==?= (=?ISO-2022-JP?B?GyRCJU4hISQqJFIkNSJ2GyhC?= (@_@))
>> 14. Re: Wierd mailman problem. (J C Lawrence)
>> 15. RE: Wierd mailman problem. (John McGarrigle)
>> 16. Re: *UN*restricted posting not working (Marc MERLIN)
>> 17. Changing the Welcome page (Johannes Ambrose)
>Notice how the subject line says there are 18 messages, yet it only indexes (and shows) 17 messages.
>The same thing is happening with my lists - the subject line shows a higher count (sometimes more than 1) than the actual number of messages.
>The older versions of Mailman didn't do this, so this must be a new "feature".
/Jonathan Lundell.
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