[Mailman-Users] Unwanted Body Content
Mark Barratt
markb at textmatters.com
Wed Feb 21 21:11:52 CET 2001
Dan Mick wrote:
> The right answer is to configure Outlook so that it sends plain-text emails
> without MIME sections. Surely this must still be possible, even with the
> Evil Empire's tools.
The right answer for whom? Surely not for the hapless list member? Why
should they have to reconfigure their email client which they use
happily with hundreds of people, where MIME is a blessing, in order to
meet the needs of one mailing list they happen to be a member of?
I don't want to knock the fab crew who made this brilliant tool. [Can
you tell there's a 'but' coming?]
But it's the list administrator/list server's job to do this filtering,
not the list member's. It would be a great enhancement if mailman did
this as slickly as it does other stuff.
'stripmime', eh? I'd better find out something about it...
Mark Barratt
Text Matters
phone +44 (0)118 986 8313
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email markb at textmatters.com
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