[Mailman-Users] call for help - please

Dan Mick Dan.Mick at west.sun.com
Thu Mar 8 22:00:29 CET 2001

> I believe it is safe to comment this cron entry (gate_news).
> >From the crontab comments, it seems to be a method to send/receive
> messages to news servers... Anyone else have some ideas?

Yes, it's only used for gate news to mail and back (hence the
name "gate_news").

> Also, the path /usr/lib/mailman is not a typical place to put
> user home dirs. Remember, "mailman" is a user on the system.
> The user mailman should own /var/lib/mailman/* and should own
> the file /var/spool/mail/mailman file with group mail or mailman.
> (specific to linux, but hopefully you get the idea).

The mailman files should be installed in the user mailman's home directory,
and check_perms straightens out the permissions.  All this is covered in
great detail in the INSTALL docs.

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