March 2001 Archives by author
Starting: Thu Mar 1 02:43:07 CET 2001
Ending: Sat Mar 31 21:47:22 CEST 2001
Messages: 587
- [Mailman-Users] I need help
Hanamichi Sakuragui (El Talentoso !!!)
- [Mailman-Users] All recipients refused: please run connect() first
Fritz Thomas (VTG)
- [Mailman-Users] (no subject)
- [Mailman-Users] To upgrade or not to upgrade
Bill Addington
- [Mailman-Users] FW: To upgrade or not to upgrade
Bill Addington
- [Mailman-Users] loading old messages into MailMan?
Jerry Adlersfluegel
- [Mailman-Users] loading old messages into MailMan?
Jerry Adlersfluegel
- [Mailman-Users] is not here now, please don't sent this mail any more, thanks.
- [Mailman-Users] Footer error tracebacks
Doug Alcorn
- [Mailman-Users] Virtual Host problems
Doug Alcorn
- [Mailman-Users] Changing servers and upgrading at the same time
Juan Carlos Rey Anaya
- [Mailman-Users] newbie question...
Juan Carlos Rey Anaya
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman and I18N?
Juan Carlos Rey Anaya
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman on Cobalt Qube3?
Direction - Bjorn Kassoe Andersen
- [Mailman-Users] Newsletter
Richard Andersen
- [Mailman-Users] Why my Mailman Send monthly reminder of passwd to our users twice
Muhammad Ashraf
- [Mailman-Users] Why my Mailman Send monthly reminder of passwd to our users twice
Muhammad Ashraf
- [Mailman-Users] Why my Mailman Send monthly reminder of passwd to our users twice
Muhammad Ashraf
- [Mailman-Users] At 5PM every day, mail reminders to admins as to pending requests
Muhammad Ashraf
- [Mailman-Users] query regd configure script
Rajmohan B
- [Mailman-Users] Moving List
- [Mailman-Users] Wrapper problem
Chris J. Babyak
- [Mailman-Users] Wrapper problem...
Chris J. Babyak
- [Mailman-Users] cron error : gate_news, permission denied
Murat Balkas
- [Mailman-Users] best wy to upgrade from Mailman 2.0b6 to 2.02?
Steffen Bardolatzi
- [Mailman-Users] Idea as for the non-arching issue
Steffen Bardolatzi
- [Mailman-Users] Question about admindb interface
Chris Barnett
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman's configuration
Ana Belén Díez Barreiro
- [Mailman-Users] Using htdig with private archives?
Richard Barrett
- [Mailman-Users] Confused!
Tomas Belcik
- [Mailman-Users] Large List Problem on Admin Screen
Dean Richard Benson
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman problem
Scott Berkman
- [Mailman-Users] Prob1: How to disble unsubscribe for some users
Stephan Berndts
- [Mailman-Users] Configuration of Mail man
Marcelo Bitulka
- [Mailman-Users] Compile error
Simon Blandford
- [Mailman-Users] Subscribe/posts disappear into black hole
Blandford, Simon [BSS Audio UK]
- [Mailman-Users] Subscribe/posts disappear into black hole
Blandford, Simon [BSS Audio UK]
- [Mailman-Users] Subscribe/posts disappear into black hole
Blandford, Simon [BSS Audio UK]
- [Mailman-Users] Subscribe/posts disappear into black hole
Blandford, Simon [BSS Audio UK]
- [Mailman-Users] Wrapper gets wrong HOME directory
Blandford, Simon [BSS Audio UK]
- [Mailman-Users] changing EVERY member EMAIL ADDRESS?
Steven Boger
- FW: [Mailman-Users] changing EVERY member EMAIL ADDRESS?
Steven Boger
- [Mailman-Users] Prob2
Leonardo Boselli
- [Mailman-Users] Prob1: How to disble unsubscribe for some users
Leonardo Boselli
- [Mailman-Users] Prob2: admn -severe- trouble
Leonardo Boselli
- [Mailman-Users] Prob1: How to disble unsubscribe for some users
Leonardo Boselli
- [Mailman-Users] Prob1: How to disble unsubscribe for some users
Leonardo Boselli
- [Mailman-Users] Slow, but enought
Leonardo Boselli
- [Mailman-Users] Using htdig with private archives?
Leonardo Boselli
- [Mailman-Users] "could not acquire qrunner lock", etc
Bill Bradford
- [Mailman-Users] qrunner.lock file date in future?
Bill Bradford
- [Mailman-Users] with smrsh
Alessio Bragadini
- [Mailman-Users] Notification to unsubscribed users
Alessio Bragadini
- [Mailman-Users] Newsletter
Alessio Bragadini
- [Mailman-Users] Cron jobs
Robert Brandtjen
- [Mailman-Users] Re: Cron jobs
Robert Brandtjen
- [Mailman-Users] Personal Trainer
Robert Brandtjen
- [Mailman-Users] Personal Trainer
Robert Brandtjen
- [Mailman-Users] Messages not going to list
Jeme A Brelin
- [Mailman-Users] Static hostname?
Tanya Brethour
- [Mailman-Users] Qrunner probs. with Sendmail
Ryan K. Brooks
- [Mailman-Users] "bad" email addresses
Sam Brooks
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman and Plesk
Susanne Bullo
- [Mailman-Users] Using htdig with private archives?
Dan Busarow
- [Mailman-Users] Problem: Could not acquire qrunner lock
Thorsten Busse
- [Mailman-Users] Altering Message Footer
Arthur J. Byrnes
- [Mailman-Users] Help!
Arthur J. Byrnes
- [Mailman-Users] Password Problem with Mailman List
Arthur J. Byrnes
- [Mailman-Users] how does mailman get its mails?
Arthur J. Byrnes
- [Mailman-Users] MM 2.0.2: AttributeError: MMAlreadyMember
Mentor Cana
- [Mailman-Users] Moved mailman to new server
Noah Cantor
- [Mailman-Users] Moved mailman to new server
Noah Cantor
- [Mailman-Users] Digest
Rey Carolino
- [Mailman-Users] FW: delivery failure
Rey Carolino
- [Mailman-Users] mailcmd
Emanuele Casales
- [Mailman-Users] mailcmd
Emanuele Casales
- [Mailman-Users] Messages not going to list
Mike Chambers
- [Mailman-Users] Can't find some fundemental documentation
Alan Chandler
- [Mailman-Users] Can't find some fundemental documentation
Alan Chandler
- [Mailman-Users] new mailman user
Alan Chandler
- [Mailman-Users] new mailman user
Alan Chandler
- [Mailman-Users] digests en masse
Kaja P. Christiansen
- [Mailman-Users] I forgot my admin password
Martin Cleaver
- [Mailman-Users] How do I advertise and event I am holding for developers?
AndreaG at
- [Mailman-Users] problem with subscriptioin confirmation html
Neil Cooler
- [Mailman-Users] Allowed Senders
Neil Cooler
- Change of Server of lists -- Re: [Mailman-Users] Cambio de Servidor de listas
Andreas Czerniak
- [Mailman-Users] I am have a problem with sendmail using wrapper.
De Jong, Rich
- [Mailman-Users] (Newbie) Qmail and Mailman
Michael Deck
- [Mailman-Users] (Newbie) Qmail and Mailman
Michael Deck
- [Mailman-Users] config.db changes ownership
Michael Deck
- [Mailman-Users] Fw: Returned mail: unknown mailer error 1
- Scam (was Re: [Mailman-Users] {URGENT AND CONFIDENTIAL})
JC Dill
- [Mailman-Users] Keeping spam off open lists
JC Dill
- More spam :-( Was Re: [Mailman-Users] Would you like to receive information on registering your pet online for free?
JC Dill
- [Mailman-Users] Re: More spam :-(
JC Dill
- More spam :-( Was Re: [Mailman-Users] Would you like to receive information on registering your pet online for free?
JC Dill
- More spam :-( Was Re: [Mailman-Users] Would you like toreceive information on registering your pet online for free?
JC Dill
- [Mailman-Users] Keeping quoted digests off the list
JC Dill
- [Mailman-Users] Personal Trainer
JC Dill
- [Mailman-Users] List configuration options, available now or not?
JC Dill
- [Mailman-Users] List configuration options, available now or not?
JC Dill
- [Mailman-Users] trim/cut/delete (was RE:Mailman-Users digest, Vol 1 #1115 - 16 msgs)
JC Dill
- [Mailman-Users] UI nit
George Dinwiddie
- [Mailman-Users] Question
- [Mailman-Users] Using htdig with private archives?
Michael Dunston
- [Mailman-Users] 'Bug in Mailman version 2.0.3' when using HTDig ... ?
Michael Dunston
- [Mailman-Users] Personal Trainer
Ron Echeverri
- [Mailman-Users] trim headers
Jim Edwards
- [Mailman-Users] Users being disabled.
Stu Ekins
- [Mailman-Users] Digest users have mail delivery disabled.
Stu Ekins
- [Mailman-Users] private lists
Felipe Sanchez Elich
- [Mailman-Users] private lists
Felipe Sanchez Elich
- [Mailman-Users] stats
Felipe Sanchez Elich
- [Mailman-Users] attachs and list archive...
Felipe Sanchez Elich
- [Mailman-Users] Upgrade to 2.0.3... now *everything* locks
Ray Everett-Church
- [Mailman-Users] Upgrade to 2.0.3... now *everything* locks
Ray Everett-Church
- [Mailman-Users] stupidest question of all
Zack Exley
- [Mailman-Users] Setting up mailman
Rodney File
- [Mailman-Users] weekly digests?
Lee Samuel Finn
- [Mailman-Users] Help needed: Mailman v1.1 doesn't recover lockfile
Anna Fong
- [Mailman-Users] newbie question...
Joshua S. Freeman
- [Mailman-Users] hooray for me.. fixed one problem.. now this:
Joshua S. Freeman
- [Mailman-Users] sh: wrapper not available for sendmail programs
Joshua S. Freeman
- [Mailman-Users] ok, found the note in INSTALL about smrsh/sendmail
Joshua S. Freeman
- [Mailman-Users] hooray for me.. fixed one problem.. now this:
Joshua S. Freeman
Joshua S. Freeman
- [Mailman-Users] FW: Postfix SMTP server: errors from[]
Darron Froese
- [Mailman-Users] Newbie question: german mailman available ?
Frank Gadegast
- [Mailman-Users] How to delete single mailings as admin ?
Frank Gadegast
- [Mailman-Users] How to change outfit of he Archive HTML-Pages ?
Frank Gadegast
- [Mailman-Users] search function for mailman archive ?
Frank Gadegast
- [Mailman-Users] The perennial question: Moving lists?
Tom Geller
- [Mailman-Users] The perennial question: Moving lists?
Tom Geller
- [Mailman-Users] malaria mailing list
- [Mailman-Users] New Installation Permissions Problem (Linux)
Robert Glover
- [Mailman-Users] Filtering MIME/HTML
Robert Glover
- [Mailman-Users] Subscriber Names
Nathan Grass
- [Mailman-Users] Prob1: How to disble unsubscribe for some users
Nathan Grass
- [Mailman-Users] Wrong sender: header
Clifton Grimm
- [Mailman-Users] mailman admin messages missing "Date:" header
Graham Guttocks
- [Mailman-Users] MTA choices - suggestions for sendmail alternatives???
Jeff Hahn
- [Mailman-Users] (no subject)
Bryan Harris
- [Mailman-Users] Newsletter
Gary Harris
- [Mailman-Users] bannig someone
Andreas Hasenack
- [Mailman-Users] Stripping Attachments, HTML, Message sizes including attachments
Steve Hasz
- [Mailman-Users] Repeating posts?
Len Hatfield
- [Mailman-Users] I am have a problem with sendmail using wrapper.
Javier Henderson
- [Mailman-Users] preventing a subscriber from posting
David Herren
- [Mailman-Users] problem adding user in different subdomain
David Herren
- [Mailman-Users] Re: Mailman-Users digest, Vol 1 #1067 - 16 msgs
David Herren
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman and CommunigatePro?
David Herren
- [Mailman-Users] Prob1: How to disble unsubscribe for some users
Teo de Hesselle
- [Mailman-Users] weekly digests?
Teo de Hesselle
- [Mailman-Users] Incorrect Headers
Teo de Hesselle
- [Mailman-Users] changing EVERY member EMAIL ADDRESS?
Teo de Hesselle
- [Mailman-Users] Help - "No such user here"
Teo de Hesselle
- [Mailman-Users] Altering Message Footer
Teo de Hesselle
- [Mailman-Users] using mailman in our product
Teo de Hesselle
- [Mailman-Users] subscribe pending subscription doesn't work.
Vincent Homans
- [Mailman-Users] Removing HTML
Vincent Homans
- [Mailman-Users] MTA choices - suggestions for sendmail alternatives???
Mike Horwath
- [Mailman-Users] using mailman in our product
Peter Hutnick
- [Mailman-Users] Possibly foolish newbie question
Peter Hutnick
- [Mailman-Users] Request For Prices List Of Massmailling Softwares
Peter Hutnick
- [Mailman-Users] Installation of MailMan
Charles F. Benninghoff III
- [Mailman-Users] Request For Prices List Of Massmailling Softwares
Ahmad Imran
- [Mailman-Users] Request For Prices List Of Massmailling Softwares
Ahmad Imran
- [Mailman-Users] newbie looking for documentation
Guillermo Pereyra Irujo
- [Mailman-Users] Replacing the To:/Cc: fields?
Eva Isaksson
- [Mailman-Users] Subscribing to multiple lists
Timothy J. Jakubus
- [Mailman-Users] Multiple Subscription to Lists
Timothy J. Jakubus
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman2.0.3 on AIX4.2
Daniel Carlos Souza de Jesus
- [Mailman-Users] Weird stuff
Jones, Adrian
- [Mailman-Users] Capitalization request
Andrew Jones
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman problem
Fredrik Jonson
- [Mailman-Users] desired changes to config.db
Todd Joseph
- [Mailman-Users] monitoring Mailman
Neil Kandalgaonkar
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman for Dummies
Duncan Kinder
- [Mailman-Users] Verizon Wireless Corporation
Tony King
- [Mailman-Users] Multiple installations almost working
Ashley M. Kirchner
- [Mailman-Users] Prob2: admn -severe- trouble
Ashley M. Kirchner
- [Mailman-Users] changing EVERY member EMAIL ADDRESS?
Ashley M. Kirchner
- [Mailman-Users] changing EVERY member EMAIL ADDRESS?
Ashley M. Kirchner
- [Mailman-Users] changing EVERY member EMAIL ADDRESS?
Ashley M. Kirchner
- [Mailman-Users] stupidest question of all
Ashley M. Kirchner
- [Mailman-Users] stupidest question of all
Ashley M. Kirchner
- [Mailman-Users] stupidest question of all
Ashley M. Kirchner
- [Mailman-Users] stupidest question of all
Ashley M. Kirchner
- [Mailman-Users] 3rd REPOST: File Ownerships
Ashley M. Kirchner
- [Mailman-Users] [Fwd - Frm: fsf-global-admin at, Subj: 1 FSF-Global admin request(s) waiting]
Ashley M. Kirchner
- [Mailman-Users] [Fwd - Frm: fsf-global-admin at, Subj: 1 FSF-Global admin request(s) waiting]
Ashley M. Kirchner
- [Mailman-Users] Cambio de Servidor de listas
Ashley M. Kirchner
- [Mailman-Users] Re: More spam :-(
Ashley M. Kirchner
- [Mailman-Users] Feature request
Ashley M. Kirchner
- [Mailman-Users] Feature request
Ashley M. Kirchner
- [Mailman-Users] Feature request
Ashley M. Kirchner
- [Mailman-Users] Qrunner probs. with Sendmail
Dave Klingler
- [Mailman-Users] Qrunner probs. with Sendmail
Dave Klingler
- [Mailman-Users] Qrunner probs. with Sendmail
Dave Klingler
- [Mailman-Users] Large List Problem on Admin Screen
Dave Klingler
- [Mailman-Users] "could not acquire qrunner lock", etc
Dave Klingler
- [Mailman-Users] Virtual Host problems
Dave Klingler
- [Mailman-Users] wrong sender host name.
Roger B.A. Klorese
- [Mailman-Users] stupidest question of all
Christopher Kolar
- [Mailman-Users] stupidest question of all
Christopher Kolar
- [Mailman-Users] stupidest question of all
Christopher Kolar
- [Mailman-Users] no response after confirmation
Heiss Konrad
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman 2.02 and MHonArc
Mark Kosinski
- [Mailman-Users] [Fwd - Frm: fsf-global-admin at, Subj: 1 FSF-Global admin request(s) waiting]
Bradley M. Kuhn
- [Mailman-Users] Avoiding Requests for Approval
Gregory K. Laughlin
- [Mailman-Users] Removing list information from mail header
Gregory K. Laughlin
- [Mailman-Users] (no subject)
Gregory K. Laughlin
- [Mailman-Users] Question about admindb interface
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Users] MhonArc Integration?
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Users] "bad" email addresses
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Users] Archive search solution
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Users] FW: To upgrade or not to upgrade
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Users] stats
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Users] MailMan and Attachments
J C Lawrence
- More spam :-( Was Re: [Mailman-Users] Would you like to receive information on registering your pet online for free?
J C Lawrence
- More spam :-( Was Re: [Mailman-Users] Would you like to receive information on registering your pet online for free?
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Users] Personal Trainer
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Users] List configuration options, available now or not?
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Users] Personal Trainer
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Users] trim/cut/delete (was RE:Mailman-Users digest, Vol 1 #1115 - 16 msgs)
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Users] List configuration options, available now or not?
J C Lawrence
- [Mailman-Users] insert hyperlink in footer
Long Li
- [Mailman-Users] Help!
K. Michele Linch
- [Mailman-Users] with smrsh
Christopher P. Lindsey
- [Mailman-Users] RFC or algorithm for creation of Message-ID
Christopher P. Lindsey
- [Mailman-Users] Desperate plea for help ....
Travis Llewellyn
- [Mailman-Users] announce only lists
Bill Logan
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman and I18N?
Jérôme Loisel
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [Mailman-Users] (no subject)
Dario Lopez-Kästen
- [Mailman-Users] Possibly foolish newbie question
Perry Lynch
- [Mailman-Users] Virtual Host problems
Perry Lynch
- [Mailman-Users] Bug
Antonio MATTA
- [Mailman-Users] Prob1: How to disble unsubscribe for some users
- [Mailman-Users] Migration from Majordomo to Mailman ?
- [Mailman-Users] Migration from Majordomo to Mailman ?
- [Mailman-Users] Is it possible to restrict list posting from within domain
- More spam :-( Was Re: [Mailman-Users] Would you like to receive information on registering your pet online for free?
- [Mailman-Users] autoresponder
- [Mailman-Users] Why my Mailman Send monthly reminder of passwd to our users twice
Jean-Francois Malouin
- [Mailman-Users] How to only grant mail list administor to send mail?
Lionel Elie Mamane
- [Mailman-Users] private lists
Lionel Elie Mamane
- [Mailman-Users] WANTED gid d, GOT gid
Saïd El Mamouni
- [Mailman-Users] Archiving old data from a list.
Cameron Mandrake
- [Mailman-Users] loading old messages into MailMan?
Cameron Mandrake
- [Mailman-Users] Wish List
Mitchell Marks
- [Mailman-Users] Not adding message to archive
Martin, Kenn
- [Mailman-Users] (Newbie) Qmail and Mailman
M. Robert Martin
- [Mailman-Users] (Newbie) Qmail and Mailman
M. Robert Martin
- [Mailman-Users] probs with qrunner crontab
Jason R. Mastaler
- [Mailman-Users] Archive line contains unsightly iso-8899-1 text
Kevin McCann
- [Mailman-Users] Html
Kevin McCann
- [Mailman-Users] RFC or algorithm for creation of Message-ID
Kevin McCann
- [Mailman-Users] Re: Make List Function
Kevin McCann
- [Mailman-Users] Your culture
Kevin McCann
- [Mailman-Users] using mailman in our product
Shannon McCormick
- [Mailman-Users] (no subject)
Dave Melton
- [Mailman-Users] Multiple installations almost working
Dave Melton
- [Mailman-Users] Multiple installations almost working
Dave Melton
- [Mailman-Users] Multiple installations still having trouble
Dave Melton
- [Mailman-Users] Multiple installations still having trouble
Dave Melton
- [Mailman-Users] Personal Trainer
Dave Melton
- [Mailman-Users] MailMan and Attachments
David Mendez
- [Mailman-Users] can one attach figures to messages ??
Nigel Metheringham
- [Mailman-Users] Slow, but enought
Nigel Metheringham
- [Mailman-Users] Password Problem with Mailman List
Nigel Metheringham
- [Mailman-Users] Html
Nigel Metheringham
- [Mailman-Users] smtp EOM marker problems
Nigel Metheringham
- [Mailman-Users] Re: Cron jobs
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Users] changing EVERY member EMAIL ADDRESS?
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Users] remove members
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Users] Desperate plea for help ....
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Users] call for help - please
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Users] 3rd REPOST: File Ownerships
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Users] The perennial question: Moving lists?
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Users] Can't find some fundemental documentation
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Users] Can't find some fundemental documentation
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Users] monthly password
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Users] Removing HTML
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Users] Qrunner probs. with Sendmail
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Users] Qrunner probs. with Sendmail
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Users] Bug
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Users] how does mailman get its mails?
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Users] (no subject)
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Users] Upgrade to 2.0.3... now *everything* locks
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Users] nightly_gzip does nothing, any tips for debugging python?
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Users] Subscribe/posts disappear into black hole
Dan Mick
- More spam :-( Was Re: [Mailman-Users] Would you like toreceive information on registering your pet online for free?
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Users] qrunner.lock file date in future?
Dan Mick
- More spam :-( Was Re: [Mailman-Users] Would you like toreceive information on registering your pet online for free?
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Users] List configuration options, available now or not?
Dan Mick
- [Mailman-Users] Running config_list on mutliple lists
Sarah K. Miller
- [Mailman-Users] one list won't accept posts
David Minor
- [Mailman-Users] Make List Function
- [Mailman-Users] remove members
Benoit Moeremans
- [Mailman-Users] Mail man
- [Mailman-Users] Hi, hide the sender
Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [Mailman-Users] Hi, hide the sender
Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [Mailman-Users] Hi, hide the sender
Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [Mailman-Users] Hi, hide the sender
Michel 'ZioBudda' Morelli
- [Mailman-Users] with smrsh
Clark E. Morgan
- [Mailman-Users] upgrading sendmail broke mailman
Chris Murray
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman installation query
Vamsi Musunuru
- [Mailman-Users] Skipping part of bounced adress (.AVP)
Leif Neland
- [Mailman-Users] wrong sender host name.
Leif Neland
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman and I18N?
Leif Neland
- [Mailman-Users] Re: [Mailman-Developers] MM 2.0.2: AttributeError: MMAlreadyMember
Detlef Neubauer
- [Mailman-Users] Re: [Mailman-Developers] MM 2.0.2: AttributeError: MMAlreadyMember
Detlef Neubauer
- [Mailman-Users] Translation of web page.
Detlef Neubauer
- [Mailman-Users] HELP! emergency please
Thang Nguyen
- [Mailman-Users] mailcmd
Thang Nguyen
- [Mailman-Users] nntp setup question
Jason Nichols
- [Mailman-Users] (no subject)
- [Mailman-Users] Virtual host details?
Fred H Olson
- [Mailman-Users] Subscriber Names
Fred H Olson
- [Mailman-Users] Info email command limited to subscribers ??
Fred H Olson
- [Mailman-Users] Re: Info email command limited to subscribers ??
Fred H Olson
- [Mailman-Users] Installation?
Silvia Ortiz
- [Mailman-Users] Any way users can unsubscribe without a password?
Mario Pacheco
- [Mailman-Users] Why my Mailman Send monthly reminder of passwd to our users twice
Rick Pasotto
- [Mailman-Users] I'm having an issue with 2.0.1 and news gatewaying.
- [Mailman-Users] (no subject)
- [Mailman-Users] > [#3AAC5B4E at] Mar 7 2001 10:19am from K. M
- [Mailman-Users] > [#Pine.LNX.4.21.0103081155230.4804-100000 at] Mar 8
- [Mailman-Users] > [#NEBBLIAKPKOJGNMGEGOOOEKPCFAA.Charles at Jury.Com] Mar 10 2
- [Mailman-Users] Help - "No such user here"
Andrew Pattison
- [Mailman-Users] Cron Errors
Andreas Pauley
- [Mailman-Users] bannig someone
Harold Paulson
- [Mailman-Users] can one attach figures to messages ??
Marcello M. Pavan
- [Mailman-Users] module problem
Richard M. Pavonarius
- [Mailman-Users] problem compiling Mailman on Trustix
Richard M. Pavonarius
- [Mailman-Users] majordomo+mhonarc to Mailman+mhonarc
Richard M. Pavonarius
- [Mailman-Users] searching the mailman-users archives
Richard M. Pavonarius
- [Mailman-Users] GID/UID Problems
Graham Pearson
- [Mailman-Users] loading old messages into MailMan?
Tom Perrine
- [Mailman-Users] loading old messages into MailMan?
Tom Perrine
- [Mailman-Users] Qmail
Susanne Bullo - Personal
- [Mailman-Users] Qmail
Susanne Bullo - Personal
- [Mailman-Users] Qmail
Susanne Bullo - Personal
- [Mailman-Users] Partially figured out
Susanne Bullo - Personal
- [Mailman-Users] Partially figured out
Susanne Bullo - Personal
- [Mailman-Users] Problems with the wrapper program - *Lots* of detail.
Pete Phillips
- [Mailman-Users] Problems with the wrapper program - *Lots* of detail.
Pete Phillips
- [Mailman-Users] Still looking for help with wrapper problem.
Pete Phillips
- [Mailman-Users] Desperate plea for help ....
Pete Phillips
- [Mailman-Users] Desperate plea for help ....
Pete Phillips
- [Mailman-Users] Altering Message Footer
- [Mailman-Users] Need help rebuilding archives...
- [Mailman-Users] Need help rebuilding archives...
- [Mailman-Users] Need help rebuilding archives...
- [Mailman-Users] Personal Trainer
- [Mailman-Users] Wish List
- [Mailman-Users] Personal Trainer
- [Mailman-Users] Personal Trainer
- [Mailman-Users] Moving servers
Orion (Steve Pirk)
- [Mailman-Users] Help with error - Mailman 2.0.1 / Python 2.0 / Exim
Orion (Steve Pirk)
- [Mailman-Users] Desperate plea for help ....
Orion (Steve Pirk)
- [Mailman-Users] call for help - please
Orion (Steve Pirk)
- [Mailman-Users] Question
Orion (Steve Pirk)
- [Mailman-Users] HELP! emergency please
Orion (Steve Pirk)
- [Mailman-Users] Howto Configure Announcement list
Orion (Steve Pirk)
- [Mailman-Users] 3rd REPOST: File Ownerships
Orion (Steve Pirk)
- [Mailman-Users] The perennial question: Moving lists?
Orion (Steve Pirk)
- [Mailman-Users] Can't find some fundemental documentation
Orion (Steve Pirk)
- [Mailman-Users] Fw: Returned mail: unknown mailer error 1
Orion (Steve Pirk)
- [Mailman-Users] Convert from mailman 2.0 to 2.2
Orion (Steve Pirk)
- [Mailman-Users] [Fwd - Frm: fsf-global-admin at, Subj: 1 FSF-Global admin request(s) waiting]
Orion (Steve Pirk)
- [Mailman-Users] Why my Mailman Send monthly reminder of passwd to our users twice
Orion (Steve Pirk)
- [Mailman-Users] Qrunner probs. with Sendmail
Orion (Steve Pirk)
- [Mailman-Users] Qrunner probs. with Sendmail
Orion (Steve Pirk)
- [Mailman-Users] insert hyperlink in footer
Orion (Steve Pirk)
- [Mailman-Users] Avoiding Requests for Approval
Steve Pirk
- [Mailman-Users] To upgrade or not to upgrade
Steve Pirk
- [Mailman-Users] cron error : gate_news, permission denied
Steve Pirk
- [Mailman-Users] Automatic Reject
Steve Pirk
- [Mailman-Users] Moved mailman to new server
Steve Pirk
- [Mailman-Users] List configuration options, available now or not?
Steve Pirk
- [Mailman-Users] mailman troubles
Sloan Poe
- [Mailman-Users] mailcmd
Sloan Poe
- [Mailman-Users] commands
Sloan Poe
- [Mailman-Users] Finding user
Paul Prescod
- [Mailman-Users] Finding user
Paul Prescod
- [Mailman-Users] Messages not going to list
W. Curtis Preston
- [Mailman-Users] Messages not going to list
W. Curtis Preston
- [Mailman-Users] Subscriber Names
Bob Puff at NLE
- [Mailman-Users] Re: Mailman-Users digest, Vol 1 #1086 - 18 msgs
Bob Puff at NLE
- [Mailman-Users] Subscription Form
Bob Puff at NLE
- [Mailman-Users] Getting subscriber names
Bob Puff at NLE
- [Mailman-Users] Bounce handler - maybe needs tweaking?
Bob Puff at NLE
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman & Procmail recipies
Bob Puff at NLE
- [Mailman-Users] Any way users can unsubscribe without a password?
Bob Puff at NLE
- [Mailman-Users] Feature request
Richard B. Pyne
- [Mailman-Users] Feature request
Richard B. Pyne
- [Mailman-Users] Feature request
Richard B. Pyne
- [Mailman-Users] New to Mailman
Ned at RMV
- [Mailman-Users] Re: mailing list memberships reminder
Denis Ramboux
- [Mailman-Users] "Proper" Handling of attachments
Roy Rapoport
- [Mailman-Users] mail with explicit destination didn't pass.
Rodeo Red
- [Mailman-Users] Missing Re:s in replies
Rodeo Red
- [Mailman-Users] Setting up mailman: Internal Server Error ?
Remco Rijnders
- [Mailman-Users] Setting up mailman: Internal Server Error ?
Remco Rijnders
- [Mailman-Users] Setting up mailman: Internal Server Error ?
Remco Rijnders
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman 2.X on a Suse sparc machine?
Wayne Ringling
- [Mailman-Users] stupidest question of all
- [Mailman-Users] Creating an Announcement Only list
Ken Robinson
- [Mailman-Users] Subscribe/posts disappear into black hole
Philippe Rodriguez
- [Mailman-Users] Setting up mailman: Internal Server Error ?
Philippe Rodriguez
- [Mailman-Users] cron (fwd)
Philippe Rodriguez
- [Mailman-Users] Migration from Majordomo to Mailman ?
Philippe Rodriguez
- [Mailman-Users] Setting up mailman: Internal Server Error ?
Philippe Rodriguez
- [Mailman-Users] implicit destination check
Philippe Rodriguez
- [Mailman-Users] How to delete single mailings as admin ?
Philippe Rodriguez
- [Mailman-Users] majordomo+mhonarc to Mailman+mhonarc
Philippe Rodriguez
- [Mailman-Users] announce only lists
Philippe Rodriguez
- More spam :-( Was Re: [Mailman-Users] Would you like to receive information on registering your pet online for free?
Chuq Von Rospach
- [Mailman-Users] Howto Configure Announcement list
Ron Rosson
- [Mailman-Users] Howto Configure Announcement list
Ron Rosson
- [Mailman-Users] Howto Configure Announcement list
Ron Rosson
- [Mailman-Users] Archive search solution
Ron Rosson
- [Mailman-Users] hooray for me.. fixed one problem.. now this:
Scott Russell
- [Mailman-Users] upgrading sendmail broke mailman
Chris Ryan
- [Mailman-Users] bug report, or not? i hope this helps
Christian SPENER
- [Mailman-Users] trim/cut/delete (was RE:Mailman-Users digest, Vol 1 #1115 - 16 msgs)
Menega Sabidussi
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman Problem
Manojit Saha
- [Mailman-Users] weekly digests?
Davide G. M. Salvetti
- [Mailman-Users] Cron jobs
- [Mailman-Users] can one attach figures to messages ??
- [Mailman-Users] Desperate plea for help ....
- [Mailman-Users] (install-problem) Missing listinfo directory
- [Mailman-Users] Email based administration
- [Mailman-Users] Any way users can unsubscribe without a password?
- [Mailman-Users] Help with error - Mailman 2.0.1 / Python 2.0 / Exim
Craig Savage
- [Mailman-Users] Help with error - Mailman 2.0.1 / Python 2.0 / Exim
Craig Savage
- [Mailman-Users] Help with error - Mailman 2.0.1 / Python 2.0 / Exim
Craig Savage
- [Mailman-Users] Help with error - Mailman 2.0.1 / Python 2.0 / Exim
Craig Savage
- [Mailman-Users] nightly_gzip does nothing and I wonder why
Andreas Schamanek
- [Mailman-Users] Finding List Moderators
Andreas Schamanek
- [Mailman-Users] Running config_list on mutliple lists
Andreas Schamanek
- [Mailman-Users] nightly_gzip does nothing, any tips for debugging python?
Andreas Schamanek
- [Mailman-Users] smrsh error....
Stanton Schell
- [Mailman-Users] WANTED gid d, GOT gid
Stanton Schell
- [Mailman-Users] More Errors ...
Stanton Schell
- [Mailman-Users] mail handling and 2.0.2
Rupa Schomaker
- [Mailman-Users] Changing the To: address
Van Sederburg
- [Mailman-Users] how does mailman get its mails?
- [Mailman-Users] changing EVERY member EMAIL ADDRESS?
Billy Shaw
- [Mailman-Users] monthly password
Jacopo Silva
- [Mailman-Users] monthly password
Jacopo Silva
- [Mailman-Users] Is it a Bug ?
Mathew Simon
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman and Plesk
Jens W. Skov
- More spam :-( Was Re: [Mailman-Users] Would you like to receive information on registering your pet online for free?
Andy Smith
- [Mailman-Users] HTML code on info page
Tomi Snellman
- [Mailman-Users] (install-problem) Missing listinfo directory
Magnus Solvang
- [Mailman-Users] (install-problem) Missing listinfo directory
Magnus Solvang
- [Mailman-Users] Finding List Moderators
Magnus Solvang
- [Mailman-Users] Re: Mailman-Users digest, Vol 1 #1091 - 17 msgs
Magnus Solvang
- [Mailman-Users] Wrapper gets wrong HOME directory
Gergo Soros
- [Mailman-Users] error message from cron
Nora Speer
- [Mailman-Users] Forgot: cron errors
Nora Speer
- [Mailman-Users] call for help - please
Nora Speer
- [Mailman-Users] Rotating Footers and Headers solution needed
Thomas Speight
- [Mailman-Users] Personal Trainer
Abigail Spencer
- [Mailman-Users] Question regarding Mailman
Nancy Stevenson
- [Mailman-Users] Html
Nancy Stevenson
- [Mailman-Users] The perennial question: Moving lists?
Stidd, John
- [Mailman-Users] Altering Message Footer
Harry L. Styron
- [Mailman-Users] Text only
-Imagine Success-
- [Mailman-Users] Mailan return address problem
David Swanger
- [Mailman-Users] DCS Newsletter (03/11/2001)
Dynamic Computer Systems
- [Mailman-Users] Medusa?
Bob Tanner
- [Mailman-Users] Text only
Matt Thoene
- [Mailman-Users] autoresponder
Cordell H. Thomas
- [Mailman-Users] Stripping Attachments, HTML, Message sizes including attachments
Jack Thomas
- [Mailman-Users] bouncing mail
- [Mailman-Users] Is it possible to restrict list posting from within domain
Bosco Tsang
- [Mailman-Users] mailman and OpenBSD
Rick VanNorman
- [Mailman-Users] Virtual Hosting with Mailman
Ross Vandegrift
- [Mailman-Users] deletetion from archive
Randy Vinas
- [Mailman-Users] Approved header
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] how to remove badly formed email address from list
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] ANNOUNCE Mailman 2.0.2 (important privacy patch)
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Re: ANNOUNCE Mailman 2.0.2 (important privacy patch)
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Re: [Mailman-Developers] Mailman Install to latest
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] forwarded message from efernandezor at
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] ANNOUNCE Mailman 2.0.3
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] module problem
Barry A. Warsaw
- More spam :-( Was Re: [Mailman-Users] Would you like to receive information on registering your pet online for free?
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Need help rebuilding archives...
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Personal Trainer
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Feature request
Barry A. Warsaw
- [Mailman-Users] Administrating Lists Via Email
Kathleen Weaver
- [Mailman-Users] Question on headers and footers
Kathleen Weaver
- [Mailman-Users] Virtual Host problems
Kathleen Weaver
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman Install to latest
- [Mailman-Users] Finding List Moderators
- [Mailman-Users] FW: To upgrade or not to upgrade
Stanley Weilnau
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman + Postfix: All recipients refused
Joseph E. Wells
- [Mailman-Users] Conversion from Mailman 2.0 to Mailman 2.0.2
Kory Wheatley
- [Mailman-Users] Convert from mailman 2.0 to 2.2
Kory Wheatley
- [Mailman-Users] checkdbs error
Kory Wheatley
- [Mailman-Users] socket.error
Rick Whitmore
- [Mailman-Users] Help!
Mats Wichmann
- More spam :-( Was Re: [Mailman-Users] Would you like to receive information on registering your pet online for free?
Dan Wilder
- More spam :-( Was Re: [Mailman-Users] Would you like to receive information on registering your pet online for free?
Dan Wilder
- [Mailman-Users] httpd as user http and perms
Pawel Wilk
- [Mailman-Users] Building an admin tool.
Aleksandra Witkowska
- [Mailman-Users] please help :)
Aleksandra Witkowska
- [Mailman-Users] announce only lists
Aleksandra Witkowska
- [Mailman-Users] Errors: OSError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory
Jim Woodward
- [Mailman-Users] Re: [Mailman-Developers] Mailman Install to latest
Thomas Wouters
- [Mailman-Users] Re: [Mailman-Developers] MM 2.0.2: AttributeError: MMAlreadyMember
Thomas Wouters
- [Mailman-Users] Re: [Mailman-Developers] MM 2.0.2: AttributeError: MMAlreadyMember
Thomas Wouters
- [Mailman-Users] Implicit destination ?
Geoff Wright
- [Mailman-Users] Removing HTML
Mike Wronski
- [Mailman-Users] password yasu310
- [Mailman-Users] Bouncing list manager addresses
Margaret Levine Young
- [Mailman-Users] want archival enhancement
Alex Yu
- [Mailman-Users] Question about "posting to list without implicit approval requirement"
Alex Yu
- [Mailman-Users] problem with Greek characters on From field
Alex Yu
- [Mailman-Users] Messages not going to list
Alex Yu
- [Mailman-Users] Setting up mailman: Internal Server Error ?
Alex Yu
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman administrative questions
John Zeder
- [Mailman-Users] Hi, hide the sender
Giorgio Zoppi
- [Mailman-Users] Hi, hide the sender
Giorgio Zoppi
- [Mailman-Users] how does Mailman store users
R e i d O d a
- [Mailman-Users] Subscrition form
a.marcedone at
- [Mailman-Users] Great Work!
a.marcedone at
- [Mailman-Users] Translation of web page.
a.marcedone at
- [Mailman-Users] Hi.
efernandezor at
- [Mailman-Users] Cambio de Servidor de listas
efernandezor at
- [Mailman-Users] Cambio de Servidor de listas
efernandezor at
- [Mailman-Users] new member ahve a 92 100CS FWD
- [Mailman-Users] Going Platinum
gpst at
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman & qmail sporadic message loss
ii at
- [Mailman-Users] Discard message and forward message to third party failed
mailman-users at
- [Mailman-Users] RE:Mailman-Users digest, Vol 1 #1110 - 9 msgs
lcarter1 at
- [Mailman-Users] RE:Mailman-Users digest, Vol 1 #1115 - 16 msgs
lcarter1 at
- [Mailman-Users] Automatic Reject
- [Mailman-Users] Setting who sends out monthly reminders?
James.Madill at
- [Mailman-Users] smtp EOM marker problems
James.Madill at
- [Mailman-Users] loading old messages into MailMan?
James.Madill at
- [Mailman-Users] smrsh error....
kotrach at
- [Mailman-Users] smrsh error....
kotrach at
- [Mailman-Users] More Errors ...
kotrach at
- [Mailman-Users] More Errors ...
kotrach at
- [Mailman-Users] Would you like to receive information on registering your pet online for free?
hermag at
- [Mailman-Users] law
jk7j at
- [Mailman-Users] editing public lists pages
admin at
- [Mailman-Users] (no subject)
jean michel guiraud
- [Mailman-Users] demande d'inscription
bousebata hicham
- [Mailman-Users] Your culture
cp at
- [Mailman-Users] Admin message
neim.rustemi at
- [Mailman-Users] mr.cok
mr.cok at
- [Mailman-Users] Cookie problems?
- [Mailman-Users] How can I prevent auto-responses on subscription-requests?
M.Mayer at
- [Mailman-Users] 2 domain, mailman and postfix
mc2575 at
- [Mailman-Users] (no subject)
- [Mailman-Users] (no subject)
- [Mailman-Users] MhonArc Integration?
Jed.Daniels at
- [Mailman-Users] Password Problem with Mailman List
geoking at
- [Mailman-Users] Password Problem with Mailman List
geoking at
james nzeh
- [Mailman-Users] new mailman user
jeffr at
- [Mailman-Users] new mailman user
jeffr at
- [Mailman-Users] Thanks for Mailman - Was Re: More spam :-( Was Re: [Mailman-Users] Would you like to receive information on registering your pet online for free?
jeffr at
- [Mailman-Users] Mailman control through E-mail -- Documentation question
alan at
- [Mailman-Users] Archive line contains unsightly iso-8899-1 text
gary pickens
- [Mailman-Users] Outsourced CallCenter Services - Tt
callcenter at
- [Mailman-Users] Personal Trainer
chuq von rospach
- [Mailman-Users] Personal Trainer
chuq von rospach
- [Mailman-Users] a subdomain for each list
josh at
- [Mailman-Users] implicit destination check
arikkertdekoe at
- [Mailman-Users] ? about an error
- [Mailman-Users] demande d'inscription
sbai2 at
- [Mailman-Users] Stripmime update
alex wetmore
- [Mailman-Users] Stripping Attachments, HTML, Message sizes including attachments
alex wetmore
- [Mailman-Users] Filtering MIME/HTML
alex wetmore
- More spam :-( Was Re: [Mailman-Users] Would you like to receive information on registering your pet online for free?
alex wetmore
- [Mailman-Users] Personal Trainer
alex wetmore
- [Mailman-Users] List configuration options, available now or not?
alex wetmore
Last message date:
Sat Mar 31 21:47:22 CEST 2001
Archived on: Sun Nov 19 10:41:45 CET 2006
This archive was generated by
Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).