[Mailman-Users] Changing Passwords via script / Very Big List

Stefan Schleifer gnut at odn.de
Mon May 21 16:36:39 CEST 2001

Dear List Members,

i've subscribed to this list recently, have scanned the archives, found nothing so i dare to write to the list :-).

Problem 1: I need to set the same password for every User, as the system is set up as a "newsletter" where people are automatically subscribed to when registering at my mailalias-service (see below) but should be able to remove theirselves very quickly and with no discomfort. I thought of two ways: Disabling the passwordchecking function OR setting the same password for every user that i can include it in my FAQ. Any hints?

Problem 2: I currently manage a big list (120446 Users at the moment). (NO! This is not a spamming list! I am running a web-based mailadress-service with that many users subscribed at the moment.) with some selfmade scripts (bash) and want to move to mailman. Can anyone give me a hint about whether that performs or not (linux / sendmail with dns...). The problem is not "It will work, but it takes DAYS to deliver the mails...", but if the problem would be "no, there is a restriction to 65536 users per list" then i'd stop migration... :-)

Any help or hint, especially for Problem #1 would be appreciated,


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