[Mailman-Users] naming a list
satyap at satya.virtualave.net
Wed Oct 3 12:37:37 CEST 2001
On Oct 3, 2001 at 15:43, Dave Robbins wrote:
[user accoun gs20, mailing list name gs20]
>This is the standard convention that I am seeking.
>I don't particularly like the listserv convention of '-l'
>appended to each mailing list name. Any other suggestions?
In the example which you cited, appending '-l' makes the most
sense. However, it is your domain so you can name it pretty much
anything you want. gs-20 and variations spring to mind. The least
confusing, yet short, one is 'gs20-l'.
Sorry, that's the optimum solution for you.
Satya. <URL:http://satya.virtualave.net/>
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