[Mailman-Users] New Issue

stormlrd stormlrd at bdbdev.bdbbusinessbuilder.com
Thu Oct 4 18:03:51 CEST 2001


Still using  exim-3.22 exim-qpopper-mysql-0.11.2 mailman-2.0.6 env.

Am now getting the admin email upon creating a new list. I can subscribe ok.. 
but when sending to the request alias I get this in my log :

2001-10-05 03:43:19 15pAed-0000jY-00 == |/path/to/mailman/mail/wrapper 
mailcmd goddamnit at domain.com 
<goddamnit-request at domain.com> D=virtual_aliases defer (-31): 
pipe_transport unset in virtual_aliases driver2

Does this mean the exim-qpopper-mysql-0.11.2 "driver" does not support the 
ability to "pipe" like this? or just that I need to sort out my transports 
and add a new pipe trans_port ???

Cheers ,

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