[Mailman-Users] is there any way to have Mailman NOT to send out monthly membership reminder?

Mike Avery mavery at mail.otherwhen.com
Fri Oct 12 17:37:42 CEST 2001

On 9 Oct 2001 at 15:49, Balazs Lengyak wrote:

> Is there?

Yes.  In the "General Options" of the list management 
screen is an option labeled, "Send monthly password 
reminders or no? Overrides the previous option. 
(Details)".  I suspect checking the "no" box and then 
submitting the changes should take care of the 


Mike Avery                            
MAvery at mail.otherwhen.com
                                    Voice: (970)-642-0282 (home)
                                         (970)-642-0244 (office)
                                             FAX: (970)-642-0282
                                                   ICQ: 16241692
                                             AOL IM: MAvery81230

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