[Mailman-Users] Giving descriptive names to mail adresses

Gerhard den Hollander gerhard at jasongeo.com
Mon Oct 15 21:46:09 CEST 2001

One of the mailman mailinglists I maintain is an annoucne type of

Occasional short, informational messages to a large group of subscribers.

I manage all subscriptions/unsubscriptions myself.

There's a couple of 100 email adresses subscribed.

Unfortunately the membership management gets a tad complcated.
If I look at the membership pages all I get is a lot of email adresses

xpZorp at yahoo.com
ap122 at home.com
&c &c &c ...

Which is a bit of a pain if I have to sort some users out if I only have
their name.
So I would like some way to add some sort of description to these email

Standard email headers allow for a ".." part (e.g.

"Gerhard den Hollander" <gdenhollander at jasongeo.com>

Is there some trick to do the same in mailman , so that the membership list
will look like e.g.

xpZorp at yahoo.com "Joe Dalton"
ap122 at home.com  "Averell Dalton:

&c &c ?

Kind regards,
Gerhard den Hollander                           Phone +31-10.280.1515
Global Technical Support                        Fax   +31-10.280.1511 
Jason Geosystems BV                 (When calling please note: we are in GMT+1)

gdenhollander at jasongeo.com                          POBox 1573
visit us at http://www.jasongeo.com                 3000 BN Rotterdam  
JASON.......#1 in Reservoir Characterization        The Netherlands

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