[Mailman-Users] Giving descriptive names to mail adresses
Gerhard den Hollander
gerhard at jasongeo.com
Tue Oct 16 09:01:10 CEST 2001
* Jon Carnes <jonc at haht.com> (Mon, Oct 15, 2001 at 04:45:01PM -0400)
>> So I would like some way to add some sort of description to these email
>> adresses.
>> Standard email headers allow for a ".." part (e.g.
>> "Gerhard den Hollander" <gdenhollander at jasongeo.com>
>> Is there some trick to do the same in mailman , so that the membership
> list
>> will look like e.g.
>> xpZorp at yahoo.com "Joe Dalton"
>> ap122 at home.com "Averell Dalton:
>> &c &c ?
> From what I have seen on the list, you cannot use a descriptive field with
> the email address. You may wish to make this a Requested Future Feature.
> It actually wouldn't be that hard to make happen. In fact, since its open
> source, feel free to do it yourself! I know I would (except I don't have
> the time...).
Since it's python that would make it a tad difficult,
anyone know of a good python primer and a ``coding mailman for the
uninitiated'' book ?
(or online docs or ..)
> You might want to make this a self-service item. Let users subscribe and
I wish it were that simple ;)
Currently listening to: Led Zeppelin - Misty Mountain ()
Gerhard, <@jasongeo.com> == The Acoustic Motorbiker ==
__O There's nothing Nietzsche couldn't teach ya
=`\<, 'bout the raisin' of the wrist.
(=)/(=) Socrates himself was permanently pissed.
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