[Mailman-Users] Installation on Mac OSX

Michael Johnson michael at emjay.net
Tue Mar 5 23:22:12 CET 2002

On Tuesday, March 5, 2002, at 04:29 PM, Jon Carnes wrote:

> Whenever I have similar problems - which thankfully is not often - I 
> open up
> the "configure" file and find the part where it died.  Usually that is
> fairly easy as it flows through the script linearly and you can see the 
> last
> good output, and use that to find where the configure script has 
> problems.
> Reading the file from that point on will indicate exactly what it is 
> looking
This worked for the most part...however, when I got to the setup portion 
(/Users/mailman/bin/check_perms), it failed.  So I ran it with the -f 
flag to fix the problems.  That's when I got the following output:

[smudette:/Users/mailman] root# bin/check_perms -f
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "bin/check_perms", line 46, in ?
     from Mailman import mm_cfg
   File "/Users/mailman/Mailman/mm_cfg.py", line 41, in ?
     from Defaults import *
   File "/Users/mailman/Mailman/Defaults.py", line 502, in ?
     MAILMAN_UID = mailman
NameError: name 'mailman' is not defined

Somehow, I made it through this in the ./configure portion of the game.  
Now, it appears as though a few of the Python scripts aren't happy.  
This is almost enough to make me want to go back to majordomo (ACK!!  He 
said the "m" word!!!) but I think I'll hold off for a bit and see how 
this part of the saga plays out.


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