[Mailman-Users] archive dates

Jon Carnes jonc at haht.com
Wed Mar 13 21:27:04 CET 2002

Three possibilities:

1) Write the patch and submit it... Someone else might like it to.  Also if
you really do it up right and make your patch key off an option in the
mm_cfg.py file then it might get included in the next release...
Immortality awaits you.

2) Write a cron-job that follows on the heels of the archive cron and
re-writes the archive html files so that they are in the format you want,
and then wait for someone else writes the new feature...

3) Live without it.

Jon Carnes
----- Original Message -----
From: "IOhannes m zmoelnig" <zmoelnig at iem.kug.ac.at>
To: <mailman-users at python.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2002 12:12 PM
Subject: [Mailman-Users] archive dates

> hi !
> is there a possibility to get other default names for the arcvhiving
> directories (in the forthcoming release of mailman) ?
> if i choose to archive monthly (which is great for the list i am
> administrating) i will get archive names like "2002-March".
> I would prefer "2002-03".
> is there a possibility (or will there be one) to achieve this
> without editing the Mailman/Archiver/HyperArch.py script (i do not want
> to do this, because the next time, i will update my Debian-distro my
> changes will become useless)
> mfg.as.dr
> IOhannes
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