[Mailman-Users] Need to create a user each time?

Jorge Biquez jbiquez at icsmx.com
Thu Mar 14 16:25:54 CET 2002

Hello all.
Thanks Dirk for your comments. We will look around that.
By the way. Do you have a URL where we can read the technical documentation 
of Mailman? I mean specifically things like this ones...
Yesterday we read all docs we can find after the installation on the 
machines and the website on the archives ...but we feel that could be a 
complete documentation somwhere...

Thanks in advance.


Do I have to create a user each time I create a list
>>(in this case prueba8 ) ?
>No, you have to create entries in the aliases file every time you create a 
>list. The newlist script tells you what do write into the aliases file. 
>After editing the file you have to run newaliases or postalias (which is 
>the postfix version).
>Best is, you have the alias file somewhere in the mailman directory and 
>configured in the postfix main.cf the path to the file (alias_maps=hash path)

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