[Mailman-Users] closed mailman

Detlef Neubauer detlef.neubauer at charite.de
Fri May 3 11:39:02 CEST 2002

"Szilard" <szilard at int.com> writes:

> Hello mailman-users,
> I would like to set up a mailman list with the following options:
> - anyone can send emails to the list

Privacy Options -> Must posts be approved by an administrator? [x] No.
Privacy Options -> Restrict posting privilege to list members? [x] No.

> - only the subscribers can check the archive

Arcival Options -> Is archive file source for public or private
archival? [x] private

> - only the listadmin can add anyone to the list of subscribers

Privacy Options -> What steps are required for subscription? [x]
require approval or [x] confirm + approval

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Detlef Neubauer

.oO GnuPG Key auf http://www.keyserver.net/ Oo.

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