[Mailman-Users] Domain name changing

Danny Terweij danny at terweij.nl
Fri May 17 14:53:27 CEST 2002


One of my hosting providers (a dynamicDNS service) has stopped this night.
www.yi.org is not providing the services anymore. See message at
www.weedns.com .

What are the steps for me to change the mailman setup?
Changing the mm_cfg.py and what more to change?

I have to reconfigure my whole network :-( , i am not going to run any
dynamic services again :-). So i did a new domain registration ( a .nl
domain) and will be at the end of the next week active. My
members/listowners/listadmins will be patient till we up and running again
on the new domain name.

So i have some time to reconfigure my network and services.

Groetjes Danny Terweij

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