[Mailman-Users] Instaling Mailman - almost working but...

Obantec Support support at obantec.net
Sun Nov 10 12:24:14 CET 2002

See comment in your body.

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Gordon" <davidgordon at ntlworld.com>
To: <mailman-users at python.org>
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2002 9:42 AM
Subject: [Mailman-Users] Instaling Mailman - almost working but...

> Hello
> I'm installing Mailman 2.0.13 on a "Virtual Server". I have no real
> experience of the command line or Unix so getting this far is pretty good
> going!
> I have got as far as creating the list "test" and received a mail from
> Mailman saying my new list is set up. I cannot however access the admin
> pages in that mail.
> >You can configure your mailing list at the following web page:
> >
> >    http://mydomain1.tld/mailman/admin/test
> The FAQs suggest that 404 not found errors are down to not configuring
> the Apache httpd.conf file, but I do have the following lines
> ><VirtualHost mailman.mydomain1.tld>
> >ServerName mailman.mydomain1.tld
> >ServerAdmin mailman.mydomain1.tld
> >DocumentRoot /home/mailman
> >ScriptAlias /mailman/ /home/mailman/cgi-bin/
> >Alias /pipermail/ /home/mailman/archives/public/
> ></VirtualHost>

I would not have made a virtualhost for mailman.

Lets assume you have want mailman for all hosts then keep virtualhosts as
before and simple add required additions

so in your case (assuming www convention)

VirtualHost www.mydomain1.tld>
ServerName www.mydomain1.tld
ServerAlias mydomain1.tld
just for completeness but not necessary howerver i prefer to add it. (you
could include mailman.mydomain1.tld as well)

ServerAdmin webmaster at mydomain1.tld
DocumentRoot /home/www.mydomain1.tld
Note you will have to adjust this to suit your virtual host paths not the
mailman paths as they have nothing to do with your hosts.

ScriptAlias /mailman/ /home/mailman/cgi-bin/
Alias /pipermail/ /home/mailman/archives/public/


> My first query is whether I need the DNS updated to point
> mailman.mydomain1.tld to mydomain1.tld. (For example http://
> www.mydomain1.tld reaches my web pages but http://mydomain1.tld takes you
> to my servers default domain (myserver.myhost.tld). I need a CNAME entry
> for mailman.mydomain1.tld perhaps?

missing ServerAlias but DNS ok as it finds your server. (you can add an A or
CNAME for mailman subdomain if you are still going to use it.

> Next sending a message to test-request at mydomain.tld doesn't work. The
> message is cought by my 'catch-all' mailbox although I have set "test-
> request at mydomain.tld mailman" in the virtusertable. (And done gen-
> virtusertable)

Work on that later get interface up first (IMHO) post a new question once
web up.

> I don't really understand the URLs Mailman gives in the "Your new mailing
> list" message. I can see why it's <http://mydomain1.tld/mailman/listinfo/
> test>. But thase pages don't exist on my server. Attempting to reach them
> via http://myserver.myhost.tld/mailman etc doen't work either.

Partly the missing ServerAlias but www.mydomain1.tld/mailman/listinfo/
should work since mailman is script alias for the cgi-bin under mailman dir
and listinfo is the script it runs.

in my opinion the URL http://mailman.mydomain1.tld/mailman/listinfo/ would
be over long and ugly.
but would work with mods i suggested.

> So as far as I can see this is either a DNS problem on my setup or I've
> missed something somewhere...


> Any clues or ideas welcome!
> Thanks
> DG

Hope that helps in part.

Obantec Support
WebHosting and Domains
Nominet UK Tag Holder

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