[Mailman-Users] Multiple Servers for a List?

David Richards d.richards at qut.edu.au
Wed Nov 20 06:17:41 CET 2002

How about ACTIVE-ACTIVE sharing the same installation via an NFS mount (or
possibly shared storage in a cluster)?


> There are several ways to set this up.  Here are two examples
> that I've done:
>  - Front end the servers with an LVS cluster and run the servers
> in your DMZ.  The LVS cluster acts as a firewall and connects a
> user to an active internal server (one of many in its list) based
> on either an ip address or a port.  If one of the internal
> servers stops responding then the LVS cluster will only direct
> new requests to the servers that are still responding.
>  - Run redundant external servers. One server is the primary and
> runs all the requests. This server is maxed out with all the
> hardware needed to handle peak loads and growth for a few years.
> The other server is the secondary and is setup to handle the
> current normal load. You run a heartbeat program on the servers
> and write a script to bring up the secondary when the heartbeat
> is lost from the Primary.  In this case the Secondary runs
> multiple IP Addresses - running it's own set, plus it takes over
> the Primaries IP Addresses on failure of the heartbeat. 
> You can write your own heartbeat program which is as simple as a
> ping, or you can use one of the stock Linux services that
> automatically does this sort of thing for you (sorry, I can't
> remember the name of any at this time, but Google is your friend
> - a good starting point is the LVS project).
> On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 18:56, David Richards wrote:
> >  > I have a domain with 2 master mx servers and I want to run
> > > mailman on > both so if 1 is down, the mailing lists still
> work. > > I have not setup > mailman yet, but have subscribed to
> quite a > > few lists using it. > 
> > > > Does anyone have a similar setup?
> > > 
> > > Most folks do this via NFS.  They setup a primary mailserver
> then > > a secondary that only kicks in if the heartbeat of the
> primary is > > interrupted. The Mailman setup is stored in a home
> directory that > > is mounted via NFS to both servers.
> > 
> > 
> > Are there any guides on setting up mailman in this fashion?? 
> We are > looking at doing the same here for greater availability.
>   > 
> > Is it possible to set up so that both mailman installations can
> run at the > same time??  Active-Active??  Otherwise, what is the
> best way to do the > 'heart beat'?
> > 
> > Dave.
> > 
> > Dave Richards
> > Project Manager (Messaging)
> > Information Technology Services
> > Queensland University of Technology
> > 
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Dave Richards
Project Manager (Messaging)
Information Technology Services
Queensland University of Technology

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