OFFTOPIC Re: [Mailman-Users] Archive URL in postings (2.1b3)

Chuq Von Rospach chuqui at
Wed Oct 30 04:30:13 CET 2002

On Tuesday, October 29, 2002, at 07:23  PM, bronto wrote:

> Eudora, both Mac and Windows, I consider a good mail client.

I did, three years ago. too bad they went and programmed that stupid 
chili pepper filter instead of doing basic things like fixing HTML 
rendering. now, it's a pretty weak mail client.

>   Cross platform is a requirement for me.  It's weakness is complex 
> filtering.  If either one can filter on List-ID, I'd like to know how.

Simple. Create a filter (this is Eudora 5.1 on OS 9, FWIW. but this 
filter's been available forever).

For header, type in "list-id:". leave the pop up on "contains". To the 
right of contains type in "". set your actions to be whatever 
you want. Save it.

eudora's one of the easier ones to do this in. too bad the interface is 
so geeky, because you have to have solved the problem to know how to 
solve the problem.

Chuq Von Rospach, Architech
chuqui at --

Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties
are largely ceremonial.

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