[Mailman-Users] Challenge

Keith Mastin kmastin at beechtree.ca
Tue Feb 18 16:35:33 CET 2003

>17-Feb-03 at 17:39, Keith Mastin (kmastin at beechtree.ca) wrote :
>> Because they're running XP, I can't suggest that they allow me to drop
>> in a linux firewall because of the bugs in the XP tcp/ip stack, not
>> unless they agree to back down to Win2k, which they can no longer
>> purchase licences and support for.
>Why not? Are you telling me that a Linux firewall in front of a load of
>XP machines is impossible, or breaks some licencing agreement, or

No, XP is a hog on a linux network. There's some hacks you can do to the 
registry, but it's still not as fast and clean as using, for instance, 
Win2kPro on the same network.

The references to licences is that we couldn't find any Win2kPro licences, 
and were told that they were taken off the shelf by M$ a few months back.

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