Fw: [Mailman-Users] Re: Example of bad line break in subject header

Dave Stern - Former Rocket Scientist dave at umiacs.umd.edu
Tue Feb 25 13:54:33 CET 2003

On Mon, 24 Feb 2003, Sumeet Pannu wrote:

> 2. Does anyone have any idea how to force sendmail to pipe ALL mailman
> messages to procmail and set up a rule to remove the tabs before sending the
> message to the users, but after it has already mangled the subject line?
> thanks, sumeet.

set procmail as your LDA (local delivery agent). This can be done by
modifying the .mc file to include:

The resultant sendmail.cf  will have a line containg something like:
Mlocal,         P=/usr/local/bin/procmail, F=lsDFMAw5:/|@qSPfhn9, S=EnvFromL/Hdr
FromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL,
                A=procmail -Y -a $h -d $u

Here's where it gets  tricky (or cool). Now you can create a systemwide
procmailrc eg /etc/procmailrc    that contains what you want to execute
but to have this take affect, you'll need to have a .procmailrc in all
users accounts (eg in the mailman account?) containing something like:

Thus users will have their own procmailrc and run the systemwide one.
This can be done automatically on solaris by putteing a template .procmailrc
into /etc/skel.

Sound complicated? You're right. Probably, a better way to handle this
might be to set up a sendmail ruleset that automatically does this
without the need for procmail. But writting sendmail rulesets (even if
they are only three lines or so) can be scary. Try poking around
comp.mail.sendmail   for help on this

 =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-  generated by /dev/dave -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
 David Stern                                            University of Maryland
                Institute for Advanced Computer Studies

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