[Mailman-Users] D_elivery N_otifications and B_ounces

Reinhard Proessler reinhard.proessler at hamur.hanjin.com
Tue Jan 28 11:33:13 CET 2003

Hello dear Listmembers,

i found a problem with our wonderfull running mailman lists:
We get some EDI Notifications with the 
Subject: DELIVERY NOTIFICATION and similar.

This Mails reach our machine and mailman puts them in to 
archivefiles, but they never appear in the recipients mailbox.

I think mailman has eaten this mail.

How can i configure that some sender can send what they want
and nothing will be blocked. Only from special domains or senders.

Any suggestions?


Reinhard Proessler, Hanjin Shipping
::: EDP/Telecommunikation 
::: Admiralitaetsstr. 56, 20459 Hamburg
::: Tel.: 0049 40 37685 443

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