[Mailman-Users] How to show name in the subscriber list mailman 2.1.2 ?

Rob Brandt bronto at csd-bes.net
Wed Jul 23 10:24:07 CEST 2003


Thanks for this!  And it works perfectly for me; no "u" at the beginning -
everything is printing out nicely.


Quoting John DeCarlo <jdecarlo at mitre.org>:

> Hello,
> Thanks to Richard, I came up with an extremely crude patch to do what
> Rob asked for.
> I modified the FormatUsers function in ~mailman/Mailman/HTMLFormatter.py
> At the end of this function there is a line:
>      got = Link(url, showing)
> I changed it to be:
>      gotname = self.getMemberName(person)
>      got = Link(url, showing)
>      got = Container(got, '-', gotname)
> And restarted Mailman.
> The bad news is that the name is rendered as
> u'John DeCarlo'
> u"Bill O'Grady"
> I don't know where the "u" comes from, but as I have said before, my
> Python skills are extremely crude.
> Hope this helps.
> Richard Barrett wrote:
> >
> > On Tuesday, July 22, 2003, at 06:02 PM, John DeCarlo wrote:
> >
> >> Rob,
> >>
> >> I can't help you with the web interface.  The cgi-bin programs are not
> >> plain text Python.  Presumably they are compiled code, binaries.
> >>
> >
> > Not quite correct. The actual work of MM CGI programs is done by regular
> > Python scripts located in $prefix/Mailman/Cgi
> >> Rob Brandt wrote:
> >>
> >>> I was hoping for a subscriber's list function including names that
> >>> could be
> >>> browsed from the listinfo page.  I've never really understood why
> >>> it's not
> >>> there in the first place; I've never seen the usefulness of showing a
> >>> subscriber's list on listinfo containing only email addresses.
> --
> John DeCarlo, My Views Are My Own
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