[Mailman-Users] Not allowed to post
Ben Edwards
ben at videonetwork.org
Thu Jun 5 18:22:34 CEST 2003
No i'me subscribed and have moirator bit set.
At 11:00 05/06/2003 -0500, Miles Abernathy wrote:
>Perhaps you are not subscribed yet to your own list?
>At 04:50 PM 6/5/2003 +0100, you wrote:
>>Set up a new list and when I try to post get the following message.
>>You are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has
>>been automatically rejected. If you think that your messages are
>>being rejected in error, contact the mailing list owner at
>>mailman-owner at serverone.co.uk.
>>Could someone please let me know the possible reasons for this. It is a
>>new mailman install so it may not be working properly.
>>* Ben Edwards Tel +44 (0)1179 553 551 ICQ 42000477 *
>>* Critical Site Builder http://www.criticaldistribution.com *
>>* online collaborative web authoring content management system *
>>* Get alt news/views films online http://www.cultureshop.org *
>>* i-Contact Progressive Video http://www.videonetwork.org *
>>* Fun corporate graphics http://www.subvertise.org *
>>* Bristol Indymedia http://bristol.indymedia.org *
>>* Bristol's radical news http://www.bristle.org.uk *
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>>Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
>>Version: 6.0.487 / Virus Database: 286 - Release Date: 01/06/2003
>>Mailman-Users mailing list
>>Mailman-Users at python.org
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>>This message was sent to: miles at mail.utexas.edu
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>Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
>Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
>Version: 6.0.487 / Virus Database: 286 - Release Date: 01/06/2003
* Ben Edwards Tel +44 (0)1179 553 551 ICQ 42000477 *
* Critical Site Builder http://www.criticaldistribution.com *
* online collaborative web authoring content management system *
* Get alt news/views films online http://www.cultureshop.org *
* i-Contact Progressive Video http://www.videonetwork.org *
* Fun corporate graphics http://www.subvertise.org *
* Bristol Indymedia http://bristol.indymedia.org *
* Bristol's radical news http://www.bristle.org.uk *
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Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.487 / Virus Database: 286 - Release Date: 01/06/2003
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