[Mailman-Users] Script for CLI message approval and spam removal
Thomas Gramstad
thomas at ifi.uio.no
Tue Jun 17 21:42:34 CEST 2003
I'm posting a script for message approval via the shell, saving
a lot of time otherwise spent on downloading web pages, typing
passwords etc. The script is written by Kjetil Torgrim Homme
<kjetilho at ifi.uio.no>, send comments if any to him. The script
is designed to work with SpamAssassin and you can for example
set the spam level you want for automatic discard. The script
contains some UiO-specific code for retrieving the location of
Mailman and list files.
Thomas Gramstad
thomas at ifi.uio.no
#! /local/bin/perl5
# listadmin version 2.00
# Written 2003 by Kjetil Torgrim Homme <kjetilho at ifi.uio.no>
# Released into public domain.
use HTML::TokeParser;
use LWP::Simple;
use Data::Dumper;
use Term::ReadLine;
use strict;
my $term = new Term::ReadLine 'listadmin';
my $rc = $ENV{"HOME"}."/.listadmin.ini";
my $oldconf = $ENV{"HOME"}."/.listconf";
upgrade_config($oldconf, $rc);
if (@ARGV >= 2 && $ARGV[0] eq "-f") {
shift; $rc = shift;
if (@ARGV != 0) {
print STDERR "Usage: $0 [-f CONFIGFILE]\n";
exit (64);
my $config = read_config ($rc);
unless ($config) {
exit (0) unless prompt_for_config ($rc);
$config = read_config ($rc);
my ($info, $id, $subject);
format STDOUT =
From: @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Subject: ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
~~ ^<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
Reason: @<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Spam? @<<
$info->{$id}{"reason"}, $info->{$id}{"spamscore"}
my $prompt =
'Approve/Reject/Discard/Skip/view Body/view Full/Help/Quit/eXit';
for my $list (sort {$config->{$a}{"order"} <=> $config->{$b}{"order"}}
keys %{$config}) {
my $def = $config->{$list}{"default"};
my $spamlevel = $config->{$list}{"spamlevel"};
my $user = $config->{$list}{"user"};
my $pw = $config->{$list}{"password"};
print "fetching data for $list\n";
$info = get_list ($list, $user, $pw);
my $num = 0;
my $count = keys (%{$info}) - 1;
my %change = ();
my $listprompt = $prompt;
$listprompt = $prompt . " [" . uc($def) . "]" if $def;
$listprompt .= " ? ";
for $id (sort keys %{$info}) {
next if $id eq "global";
$subject = $info->{$id}{"subject"};
print "\n[$num/$count] ======= #$id of $list =======\n";
while (1) {
my $ans;
if ($spamlevel && $info->{$id}{"spamscore"} >= $spamlevel) {
print "Automatically discarded as spam.\n";
$ans = "d";
$ans ||= $config->{$list}{"action"};
$ans ||= $term->readline ($listprompt);
$ans = "q" unless defined $ans;
$ans = $def if $ans eq "";
$ans =~ s/\s+//g;
$ans = lc $ans;
last msgloop if $ans eq "q";
next msgloop if $ans eq "s";
if ($ans eq "a" || $ans eq "d") {
$change{$id} = [ $ans ];
} elsif ($ans eq "r") {
my $r = $term->readline ("Why do you reject? ",
if ($r =~ /^\s*$/) {
print "aborted\n";
$change{$id} = [ "r", $r ];
} elsif ($ans eq "x") {
%change = ();
last msgloop;
} elsif ($ans eq "f") {
print $info->{$id}{"excerpt"};
} elsif ($ans eq "b") {
my $text = $info->{$id}{"excerpt"};
$text =~ s/.*?\n\n//s;
my @lines = split (/\n/, $text, 21);
pop @lines;
print join ("\n", @lines), "\n";
} elsif ($ans eq "") {
# nothing.
} else {
print <<"end";
Choose one of the following actions by typing the corresponding letter
and pressing Return.
a Approve -- the message will be sent to all member of the list
r Reject -- notify sender that the message was rejected
d Discard -- throw message away, don't notify sender
s Skip -- don't decide now, leave it for later
b view Body -- display the first 20 lines of the message
f view Full -- display the complete message, including headers
q Quit -- go on to the next list
x eXit -- go on to the next list, undo all actions chosen
print <<"end" if $def;
The default action for this list when you only press Return is '$def'
commit_changes ($list, $user, $pw, \%change, $info);
sub mailman_url {
my ($list, $user, $pw) = @_;
$pw =~ s/(\W)/sprintf("%%%02x", ord($1))/ge;
my $args = "username=$user&adminpw=$pw";
my ($lp, $domain) = split ('@', $list);
my $www;
if ($domain eq "lister.ping.uio.no") {
return "https://$domain/mailman/$domain/admindb/$lp?$args";
} elsif ($domain =~ /^(\w+)\.uio\.no$/) {
$www = "$1-lists.uio.no";
} elsif ($domain eq "uio.no") {
$www = "uio-lists.uio.no";
} else {
$www = "lister.uio.no";
return "http://$www/mailman/admindb/$list?$args";
sub get_list {
my ($list, $user, $pw) = @_;
# where we gather all the information about pending messages
my %data = ();
my $page = get (mailman_url ($list, $user, $pw));
my $parse = HTML::TokeParser->new(\$page) || die;
my ($from, $subject, $reason, $id, $tag, $excerpt, $spamscore, $rej);
my $date;
my $mailmanversion = 1;
while ($parse->get_tag ("table")) {
$parse->get_tag ("tr") || die; # From:_or_ at end
$parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
my $ver = $parse->get_trimmed_text ("/td") || die;
last if $ver =~ /version/;
$parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
$from = $parse->get_trimmed_text("/td");
$parse->get_tag ("tr") || die $page; # Reason:
$parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
$parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
$reason = $parse->get_trimmed_text("/td");
$parse->get_tag ("tr") || die; # Subject:
$parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
# the parsing just happens to fail here when the wrong
# password is given...
$parse->get_tag ("td") ||
die "Parse failed. Is your username and password correct?\n";
$subject = $parse->get_trimmed_text("/td");
$parse->get_tag ("tr") || die; # Action:
$tag = $parse->get_tag ("input") || die;
$id = $tag->[1]{"name"};
$parse->get_tag ("tr") || die; # Reject _or_ Preserve message
$parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
$parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
$rej = $parse->get_trimmed_text("/td") || die;
if ($rej =~ /Preserve message/) {
$mailmanversion = 2;
$parse->get_tag ("tr") || die; # forward
$parse->get_tag ("tr") || die; # Reject
$parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
$parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
$rej = $parse->get_trimmed_text("/td") || die;
$parse->get_tag ("tr") || die; # Message Excerpt _or_ Headers
$parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
$parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
$excerpt = $parse->get_text("/td");
$excerpt =~ /^X-UiO-Spam-score: (s+)/m;
$spamscore = length ($1 || "");
$excerpt =~ /^Date: (.*)$/m;
$date = $1;
if ($mailmanversion == 2) {
$parse->get_tag ("tr") || die; # Message Excerpt
$parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
$parse->get_tag ("td") || die;
$excerpt .= "\n" . $parse->get_text("/td");
$parse->get_tag ("/table") || die;
$data{$id} = { "from" => $from,
"subject" => $subject,
"date" => $date,
"reason" => $reason,
"spamscore" => $spamscore,
"rejreason" => $rej,
"excerpt" => $excerpt };
if ($mailmanversion == 1) {
$data{"global"}{"actions"} = { "a" => 0,
"r" => 1,
"d" => 2 };
} else {
$data{"global"}{"actions"} = { "a" => 1,
"r" => 2,
"d" => 3 };
return \%data;
# .listconf was the configuration file for the previous listadmin
# script, which was written in Bash and simply sourced the file...
sub upgrade_config {
my ($conf, $rc) = @_;
return if -f $rc;
return unless -f $conf;
print "Converting to new configuration file, $rc\n\n";
my $cmd = ". $conf; umask 077; > $rc ". <<'END';
(echo "# automatically converted from .listconf
echo "#
echo "username $LISTUSER
echo "password \"$LISTPASS\"
echo "spamlevel 12
echo "default discard
echo "# uncomment the following to get a terse transaction log
echo "# log \"~/.listadmin.log\"
echo "
for l in $LISTS; do echo "$l
"; done
system $cmd;
sub read_config {
my ($file) = @_;
my ($user, $pw, $spam, $list);
my %conf = ();
my $line = "";
my $action = "";
my $default = "";
my $count = 0;
my $lineno = 0;
my $logfile;
my %act = ("approve" => "a", "discard" => "d",
"reject" => "r", "skip" => "s", "none" => "");
return undef unless open (CONF, $file);
while (<CONF>) {
next if /^\s*#/;
if (/\\$/) {
$line = $`; # $PREFIX
$line .= $_;
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
next if /^$/;
if ($line =~ /^username\s+/i) {
$user = $'; # $POSTFIX
$user =~ s/\s+$//;
$user =~ s/^"(.*)"$/$1/;
if ($user !~ /^[a-z0-9-]+\@[a-z0-9.-]+$/) {
print STDERR "$file:$lineno: Illegal username: '$user'\n";
exit 1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^password\s+/i) {
$pw = $'; # $POSTFIX
$pw =~ s/\s+$//;
if ($pw =~ /^"(.*)"$/) {
$pw = $1;
$pw =~ s/\\"/"/g;
$pw =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
} elsif ($line =~ /^spamlevel\s+/i) {
$spam = $';
if ($spam =~ /^(\d+)\s*$/) {
$spam = $1;
} else {
print STDERR "$file:$lineno: Illegal spamlevel value: '$spam'\n";
exit 1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^action\s+/i) {
$action = $'; # $POSTFIX
$action =~ s/^"(.*)"\s*/$1/;
unless (defined $act{$action}) {
print STDERR "$file:$lineno: Illegal action value: '$action'\n";
exit 1;
$action = $act{$action};
} elsif ($line =~ /^default\s+/i) {
$default = $'; # $POSTFIX
$default =~ s/^"(.*)"\s*/$1/;
unless (defined $act{$default}) {
print STDERR "$file:$lineno: Illegal default value: '$default'\n";
exit 1;
$default = $act{$default};
} elsif ($line =~ /^log\s+/i) {
$logfile = $'; # $POSTFIX
$logfile =~ s/^"(.*)"\s*/$1/;
$logfile =~ s/\\"/"/g;
$logfile =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
$logfile =~ s,^\$HOME/,$ENV{'HOME'}/,;
$logfile =~ s,^~/,$ENV{'HOME'}/,;
$logfile =~ s,^~(\w+)/,(getpwnam($1))[7]."/",e;
if ($logfile =~ /^M:/i) {
$logfile =~ s,\\,/,g;
$logfile =~ s,^M:,$ENV{'HOME'},;
$logfile = undef if $logfile eq "none";
} elsif ($line =~ /^([^@ \t]+@[^@])+\s*/) {
$conf{$line} = { "user" => $user,
"password" => $pw,
"spamlevel" => $spam,
"action" => $action,
"default" => $default,
"logfile" => $logfile,
"order" => ++$count,
} else {
print STDERR "$file:$lineno: Syntax error: '$line'\n";
exit 1;
$line = "";
close (CONF);
return \%conf;
sub prompt_for_config {
my ($rc) = @_;
print "No configuration file found: $rc\n";
my $ans = $term->readline ("Do you want to create one? [yes] ");
print "\n";
if ($ans !~ /^\s*(|y|yes|j|ja)\s*$/i) {
print "I take that as a no. Goodbye!\n";
return undef;
umask 077;
unless (open (RC, ">$rc")) {
print STDERR "$rc: $!\n";
return undef;
my $user = $term->readline ("Enter Mailman username: ");
print "\n";
print RC "username $user\r\n";
my $pass = $term->readline ("Enter Mailman password (will appear on screen): ");
print "\n";
$pass =~ s/"/\\"/g;
print RC "password \"$pass\"\r\n";
print <<END;
Listadmin can discard messages with a high spam score automatically.
A value in the interval 5 to 12 is recommended.
my $spam = $term->readline ("What threshold do you want? [8]");
print "\n";
$spam =~ s/\s*//g;
$spam ||= "8";
if ($spam =~ /^\d+$/) {
print RC "spamlevel $spam\r\n";
} else {
print "No automatic discard will be done.\n";
my $extra = <<END;
# If you uncomment the following you will only have to press Return
# to discard a message:
# default discard
# Uncomment the following to get a terse transaction log:
# log "~/.listadmin.log"
$extra =~ s/\n/\r\n/g;
print RC $extra;
print <<END;
Now enter the addresses of the lists you maintain. End with an empty
my $list;
do {
$list = $term->readline ("> ");
print "\n";
$list =~ s/\s*//g;
print RC "$list\r\n" if $list;
} while ($list);
close (RC);
print <<END;
The configuration has been saved in $rc.
You can edit this file with an ordinary text editor, such as Notepad,
Pico, or Emacs. To read about all the configuration options, run
'man listadmin'.
return 1;
sub commit_changes {
my ($list, $user, $pw, $change, $msgs, $logfile) = @_;
my $url = mailman_url ($list, $user, $pw);
my $changes = 0;
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = (localtime (time))[0..5];
my $log = sprintf ("submitting %s %04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d\n",
$list, $year+1900, $mon+1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
my $action = $msgs->{"global"}{"actions"};
for $id (keys %{$change}) {
my ($what, $text) = @{$change->{$id}};
$url .= "&$id=" . $action->{$what};
$log .= sprintf ("%s D:[%s] F:[%s] S:[%s]\n",
if ($what == "r") {
$text =~ s/(\W)/sprintf("%%%02x", ord($1))/ge;
$url .= "&comment_$id=$text";
if ($changes) {
my $opened;
if ($logfile) {
if (open (LOG, ">>$logfile")) {
$opened = 1;
print LOG $log;
} else {
print STDERR "WARNING: Failed to append to $logfile: $!\n";
get ($url);
if ($opened) {
print LOG "changes sent to server.\n";
close (LOG);
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