[Mailman-Users] Archives and Attachments

Jon Carnes jonc at nc.rr.com
Thu Mar 6 22:44:00 CET 2003

You are not stuck with using Pipermail as your archiver.  While
Pipermail comes built into Mailman it is very limited in its abilities.
Look into using an external archiver like Mhonarc.  You can use both at
the same time. 

On Thu, 2003-03-06 at 15:02, Staven Bruce wrote:
> We are using Mailman 2.0.13 with Sendmail 8.12 on a RedHat Linux 8.0 system.
> We send 'Word' and '.pdf' documents once a month or so to our mailing list.
> Is there a way for these files to be retained as separate attachments in
> their respective e-mails in the archives, so the entire original e-mail can
> be retrieved later, or will the attachments always be formatted into the
> body of the e-mail message in the archives?
> Any info would help  
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