[Mailman-Users] MySQL?

Kevin McCann kmccann at bellanet.org
Fri May 30 19:06:20 CEST 2003

Been there, done that! (thank you, though)

Sympa showed promise on paper (specifically, the comparison paper
available on the Sympa site) but it just didn't work out. I couldn't get
the bloody thing installed on RedHat 8.0, despite working with one of
the developers to try to get it happening. I sent out a message to the
sympa-users list asking if *anyone* had successfully installed it on 8.0
and I all I heard was the crickets chirping. On the Sympa users list I
constantly hear (read) of people running into significant problems. And
the fact that there are *so* many Perl module dependencies just doesn't
leave me with a comfortable feeling about Sympa. A colleague and I
managed to get Sympa running on RedHat 7.3 after many hurdles, and we
gave it a spin, but it just isn't what we're looking for.

In addition, the SQL offering in Sympa only applies to the user table.
OK for a start, but I need more than that.

I have pretty much decided to go with Mailman because it is easy to
install, has a very large install base, and has most of the delivery
features I need. And the problems that are reported on this list don't
seem to be major show stoppers with no solutions in sight.

So now that I have identified the best open source MLM (at least for my
purposes), I just have to convince/beg/influence the Mailman
developmnent folks to get it to behave more like the best commercial MLM
(Lyris).    ;-)

- Kevin

On Fri, 2003-05-30 at 11:54, Jeff D wrote:
> You guys might want to check out Sympa instead of Mailman -
> http://www.sympa.org/

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