[Mailman-Users] List of lists

Jon Carnes jonc at nc.rr.com
Mon Oct 6 00:53:53 CEST 2003

On Sat, 2003-10-04 at 07:06, Jim LaSalle wrote:
> Does mailman support nested lists? For example:  a school district may 
> want a list serv for elementary, secondary and all teachers. It would be 
> convenient to have an "allTeachers" list composed of the 
> "elementaryTeachers" and "secondaryTeachers" list.  Syncing these 
> "sublists" with the "mainlist" would be much easier than manually 
> subscribing/unsubscribing from each list.
That's called an umbrella list, and it's only half-way supported.  Look
up Umbrella lists in the FAQ.

By-the-way, I use a script to create/update various List-of-lists.  I
dump each list out into one big text file (just the email addresses
please!), then I use ~mailman/bin/sync_members to create or update the
list of users for the *uber* list.  Works a treat, and can't be beat!

Good Luck - Jon Carnes

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